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Kouri slowly opened her eyes to meet a very bright light, forcing her eyes to close again. Sasuke, Orochimaru, Karin, Suigetsu and Juugo awaiting her conscious to surface. She ignored everyone around her and sat up, stretching her arms and fingers to feel how limp her limbs were.

"I'm not dead ?" she questioned herself, surprised herself that she didn't die after sacrificing herself for Sasuke. As the name crossed her mind, she immediately felt her lungs constricted from air, became flustered thinking if he'd survive or not.

She looked around and saw a raven-haired male standing by her right, watching as she trying to grasp her surrounding and what happened to her. Everyone were silent as she stared straight to Sasuke, trying to take in the change of his appearance that changed a lot. His face and hair got longer, his face became more mature and the way he'd dress up also different. She quickly got up and lunged onto Sasuke, wrapping her arms around him as tears went down her cheeks.

"You're alive, thank God." she said, bringing her fingers through his black locks. Sasuke wrapped his only arm around her tightly, feeling himself being put into the most happiest state in his whole life knowing the old Kouri had come back to live.

She released Sasuke and looked over at Orochimaru who gave her a smile. She went towards Orochimaru and hugged him gently.

"Orochi.. You survived.." she said as she hugged him like a baby. The other three could only watched the reunion between them and didn't know what to say, while Karin felt relieved while upset at a same time. 

"W-what happened ? You guys look different from the last time I saw!" she exclaimed, looking around and pointed at everyone who looked more mature and laid-back, except for Orochimaru of course. 

"You're supposed to reborn after the kekkei genkai you used on Sasuke. It was because the jutsu required you to trade your own life to revive someone." Orochimaru explained, " I just connected your chakra that I have on my body to your memories and now you're back. You can now become a full-fledged shinobi again." he smiled at the end. Kouri scoffed softly at his remarks at the end, swinging her limp arm over at him.

"This ? I'm not sure what i'm doing my whole life to have this body." she said, shaking her head and she stopped as she realized something.

"Wait a second, how old am I ?" she asked and Sasuke answered.

"17 ?! I'm still 17 ?!" she exclaimed in Sasuke's face, looking at him up and down.

"How old are you ?" she asked Sasuke.


She almost fell back onto her bed when he answered the question. Sasuke was double her age. Everyone around her had grown up while she was still a young teenager who didn't have experience enough of this world yet.

"It's okay, Kouri. I'm still the same." Orochimaru said.

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