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It's been a week since they stay in Konoha. On a first day, Yui had to pick Kouri up from her academy and went home together, but after a few days, she already know the way to her house and become less agitated. She became as cheerful as she was back in the forest.

Yui on the other hand, has progressively passed her test and now became an Anbu of Konohagakure. She swore to always fight along with Konoha in front of her mighty sword that were giving down from many generations, and now she's the keeper, which means she's the head of the Nohara. Who else could be when all of her family has been murdered in a massacre. 

Kouri had many friends now, consisting Sakura, her first and best friend now. Naruto, who always seen lonely but she tried to be friend since that's what her mother told her to do, make friends. Ino, friend of Sakura who looked a little tomboyish. Lastly, Sasuke who were very arrogant and keep bragging about his genius although she didn't mind.

Most of the girl fawning over him but for Kouri, she saw him like a normal boy who just very cocky over himself, which made him 'could tolerate' her not like other girls. The both of them less talking since Kouri seems to always sat close to Sakura which a no-no to Sasuke. 

"Naruto-kun." Kouri called for Naruto who sat alone in the class. Naruto looked up to her and a huge smile spread on his face.

"Yes, Kouri-chan ?" he asked, a big fake smile still on his face. Kouri stared at him for awhile before smiling softly.

"Wanna hang out at my house today ? My mom said she's going to bake cookies. I want you to have one!" Kouri said cheerfully as she took a seat next to him. All of the girls went to the windows and watched Sasuke walking at the field, so the seat beside Naruto was unoccupied. 

Naruto silently stared at her for awhile before he smiled again, "Of course! Let's go to your house together today." he said enthusiastically while pumping his hand in the air, which made her laugh.

"I know you will be this excited." she exclaimed.

"Of course. I tasted your lunch and its super tasty! So I have to try the cookies too." he piped and she just smiled, couldn't wait for the academy to end.


"Okaa-san! I brought a friend!" she shouted as she entered the house. She still felt weird somehow but she already know the entire house and easy to move inside.

"A friend ?" another feminine voice heard behind the wall and a soft steps heard coming their way. Naruto stood anticipating her mother and there she appear with her glory apron on her and her red hair tied up in the air. 

"Oh ?" her eyes went wide for a moment before sealing it with a smile.

"Who could this young man be ?" she smiled as she gestured them to come in,

"His name is Uzumaki Naruto. He's very enthusiastic so this house could get noisy later." Kouri said, jumping towards the dining table and sat there.

"The cookies are on the table. Go enjoy the cookies, Naruto." Yui said, gently pushed his awkward self towards the dining table. He saw how Kouri eat deliciously in front of him so he quickly sprint his way towards the cookies and ate them two at a time. 

"You can't enjoy it without me!" Naruto's voice heard blaring across the house, which made Kouri laugh. Yui chuckled from afar as she watches her daughter and Naruto talking and laughing with each other. She felt relief to see how her daughter manage to cope with the drastic environment change and she did with a huge smile on her face.

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