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The war has became more intense and powerful. Obito used the tree he created and sucked all of unfortunate ninjas with the roots of the tree. Naruto was exhausted and he almost felt hopeless at the sight. The sight of almost all ninjas being suck out their life out of their body. He was crying because of he heartless move Obito took to discourage him. 

Kouri felt angry. Angry that she couldn't do anything as she was also contribute on the plan in the first place. She had to do something. She couldn't just waltz her way to the other side and do nothing after making a lot of damage herself. 

She jumped from where she was, ignoring Sakura and others calling for her. She leaping, making her way towards Obito who was floating in the air. She jumped high into the air and weaved a hand sign, a huge puff of smoke appeared and Manda appeared, helping her boosting her into the air.

"Stop it, stop it, stop it!" she said, trying to hit Obito with her spear continuously before she lost her momentum. Obito dodged easily from her attack and saw how she was about to fall. He quickly caught her by her hand, looking at her with a knowing look.

"You've sided with them." Obito said matter-o-factly. Kouri looked up to him with a pleading look.

"Obito-nii-san. Please stop all of these. People are dying." Kouri plead, looking straight into his eyes. Obito didn't give any much reaction. His purpose in the first place was to destroy ninja world. Of course he would kill ninjas in order to achieve his goal. Kouri request was absurd.

"You've got no use to me anymore." Obito said before letting her go, falling to towards the ground. She tried to find Manda but he was nowhere to be seen. She could injured badly if she fall to the ground in this speed. She closed her eyes to embrace the impact but she felt someone caught her and they had feathers.

She opened her eyes and saw Sasuke with his summoning, making a turn towards Naruto who was standing with her Chakra cloak. 

"Don't go carelessly like that." Sasuke scolded her, and she just grinned while scratching the back of her head. They both jumped alongside Naruto and Sasuke's summoning puffed in the air. She looked behind her and saw the orange hair guy she saw in the inn. She didn't know his name but she didn't care to ask either.

Purple hues formed around Sasuke., while Naruto activated Bijuu form, taking her inside as well. She watched how the two combining their forms into one, acting Susanoo as a shield to Kurama's chakra form. She looked over them both, feeling her heart softened at the sight of them helping each other. They never really got along before. They thought their power are contradict, or Sasuke thought so. Seeing them getting along after countless of time witnessing Naruto training in order to save Sasuke, it makes her even more touched. 

She then felt a few presence came from behind. She turned around to see nine of her other friends came to help them, entering each of nine tails chakra that provided rasengan to them. They all looked at her and gave her a suspicious look, but she just smiled them off. As Naruto and Sasuke charged towards Obito, the others brought out the rasengan and combined them together, forming a huge rasengan. As Naruto expected, Obito had used his shield to shield him, and with the rasengan from the nine of his comrades, it could be weakened. Both Sasuke and Naruto thrusted the sword forward and broke the shield along with the infamous sword Obito wielding. 

Broken [naruto fanfic]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ