New person.

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It's been a month since ninjas from Konohagakure started to search for a soul called Kouri, and never give up. Naruto and Sakura who spent almost everyday with Kouri, felt the emptiness grew bigger since the lost of Sasuke. They became more mature over the month and it safe to say that they are already became a full-fledged ninja. 

It was the most biggest day, and history created on the day, with all the nations came together and united to fight back the war that come along their way. The tension had became more thicker but with Naruto being by their side, he had always had a slick idea to boost the morals of the ninjas and he did it. His innocent and honest feelings that wanted to help the nations and also wanted to help his friends grew on others. The confidence and spirit lived in Naruto also grew on the ninjas. Sakura felt her heart soften seeing her friend that once was so obnoxious and stupid, became so strong and capable. She felt envy that she couldn't be as strong as him, or Sasuke although they were in a team. She also missed Kouri so much.

With Sunagakure being the leader of all the ninjas gathered, everyone became more excited and less scared seeming that almost every strongest ninja alive are in their side. Where can go wrong ?

"Naruto!" A voice heard being called as Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru, Gaara and Temari gathered in an hallway. The one who called Naruto was Kankuro who had a duty to guard the outskirt of the ground, spotting any suspicious people.

"What, Kankuro you saw something ?" Naruto asked, his eyes widened and his body fully turned toward Kankuro, followed by Sakura which firmly waited for the news.

Kankuro eyes eyed the close comrades in front of him, feeling the guilt built in his heart and into his throat, stopping him from saying the news. He afraid if either of these two became so shock at the news, and he felt sorry too. He didn't want to ruin their spirit but this news had to be informed or else they will became unprepared in the future.

"I saw her." Kankuro said, his voice seemingly holding back. Everyone's attention became sharp and their hearts beats faster at the first thought that came in their mind. They all still quiet, waiting for Kankuro to continued what he had to say. Kankuro gathered all of his strength to say it.

"I saw Nohara Kouri. She.." Kankuro looked down, didn't want to admit what he had seen. It was absurd. It broke his heart seeing once their comrades became that way. The red haired girl that valued his comrades more than anyone else, coming to his aid even though he was her enemy before. Smiling with a blood went down her temple which caused by him. 

"She's with Akatsuki." 

Everyone felt their blood ran out out of their face. The cool feelings of their body were horrid to feel, their heart felt stopped for a matter of seconds, and they froze on their spot. It wasn't a picture, but people who was told a painful truth. Naruto clenched his teeth and his hands, his heart aching at the news he was been told. Kouri was his first friend that understand him and what resides inside him. Kouri told her on their chunin exam that she could feel the dangerous aura came from inside him since the first time they met. How can she know when they were barely 8 ? 

How dangerous could this world be with someone that capable of doing that on their early age of 8 when most of ninjas couldn't even do that ? 

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