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"Where is Kakashi-sensei ?!" Sakura grunted angrily, her face was like a lion who failed to catch her prey. Kouri chuckled seeing her angry with Naruto beside her doing the same as her, whining.

Sasuke was quiet as always, glaring to nowhere 24/7. Kouri then looked up to the sun, seeing how its already blazing upon her head, which means its already almost noon. She sighed as her hand went to her stomach, growling as she got hungry.

She didn't have breakfast as been told. She felt like she could eat anything now, whether it be alive or not. She just wants to eat something. She sighs at the thought.

Finally. the silver-haired teacher came with a book in his hand. Sakura and Naruto lashed him out right after and he told them that a black cat came across his way, so he had to use another route. Naruto and Sakura groaned on how his excuse was lame, but he just dismissed them.

"Let's go to the field, okay ?" he said and jumped from where he was standing, followed by team 7. Later, they reached the field and Kakashi explained the rules. They have to take the bells from him and the winner will get to eat food. 

"There's only three bells with you. We are four teams, remember ?" Sakura complained. Kakashi closed his eyes and hummed in agreement.

"Yes, there are only three bells with me, that's why, the loser doesn't get to eat any food." he said, pointing at them. Kouri's mouth gaped dramatically as her mouth moved to protest again but got shut by Kakashi.

"No more complaining. Come take the bell from me with an intention to kill me." he said before taking his 'perv' book back from his pouch and read the book. Kouri, Sasuke, and Sakura jumped from the field to the forest, whilst Naruto just stayed there. Kouri watched him weirdly, asking herself as to why Naruto didn't jump like others. Soon after, Naruto charged towards Kakashi and Kakashi dodged him easily even with his eyes stayed on the book.

The others just watched him while shaking their head, at the same time analyzing Kakashi's weakness. They still couldn't find his weakness yet. Kouri fixed the position of her spear behind her, trying to think of a strategy to initiate an attack but the growling in her stomach keep going on, she couldn't think any further. She bit her lower lips as she tried to search the closest chakra and it was Sakura. She jumped towards Sakura silently and tapped her shoulder as she reached her side.

"Wahh! You scared me!" she shout-whispering. Kouri chuckled silently.

"Let's do this together. I'm so hungry I can't think straight." she told her best friend. Sakura gave her a knowing look with a smile before nodding. They then organized a strategy, which was making Sakura a bait while Kouri sneaking behind him and snatched the bell from his waist. They both agreed with the strategy and quickly go find Kakashi. 

As they found him, they saw Naruto hung to a tree upside down, which grew questions in them as to what happened to him. Before they could begin their strategy, they saw Sasuke was beaten up in the middle of the field. They both gasped and the look of horror written all over their face. 

"Sasuke ?!" Sakura jumped from her hiding and went to Sasuke. Kouri didn't get to stop her but to watch her from afar who went towards Sasuke who looked like dying there. She couldn't do anything but she also felt fishy. Although her heart beat painfully at the sight and she didn't know why, she still has to stay hidden and think of a new strategy. Later, she saw Sakura screaming and fainted, which answered her questions.

Broken [naruto fanfic]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن