Best moment.

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Her eyes slowly opened to meet her mother who smiled at her as she woke up. She smiled back and tried to raise herself from uncomfortable position but she felt a sharp pain on her back as she did so, making her yelped in pain.

"Don't move, Kouri. You don't want to stay in the hospital bed any more than this." Her mother said, pushing her daughter gently to the bed. Kouri pouted, accepting the fact that she had to lay her stomach flat to the bed for a few days.

"I cant believe this, on the first C-rank mission, and I already injured myself." Kouri chuckled, embarrassed with herself to suffer an injury during the mission.

"It was a B-rank mission, probably A-rank mission. You did a good job out there, my brave kitten." her mother praised, pushing a few strands of hair out of Kouri's face. She sweetly smiled at her mother.

"Has my friends visited me ?"

"Every chance they get, Kouri, especially your little boyfriend." her mother teased, rolling her eyebrows at her. Kouri frowned, thinking who could her 'boyfriend' be.

As if in cue, the door to her room opened from outside, revealing a raven-haired boy with his blue shirt and grey-white pants, a headband on his forehead.

She glanced over her mother to see her giving a knowing smile to her. She rolled her eyes.

"Mother!" Kouri exclaimed, knowing what her mother planned next.

"Oh! It's already time for my mission. Sasuke, can you take care of her until I come back ?" her mother said with a tone and walked towards the window.

"Get well soon, Kouri." she cheekily smiled before jumping out of the window. Kouri growled as she watched her mother flees, cursing to herself that she couldn't do anything in her current state.

"You woke up." she heard Sasuke's deep voice and she turned to look at him. Her frowned gone, replaced with a welcoming smile.

"Yeah. Just a few minutes ago." she said, her face turned red realizing she was in a weird position in front of Sasuke. It embarrassed her that she seemed vulnerable in front of him. Her body was exposed with only bandages wrapped around her body. Which means, her growing chest were exposed too.

"S-Sasuke, C-can you-"

"Hm ?" Sasuke answered, which made her shrinked more and her face into darker shades of red.

"Can you raise the blanket higher ?" she finally take the words out, averting her eyes from meeting Sasuke. Sasuke was confused at first but after looking for the blanket, he had seen the parts he wasn't supposed to. His eyes widened and his face were entirely in crimson. He quickly took the edge of the blanket and raised it higher onto Kouri, trying his best not to make any skin contact with her.

"T-Thank you." she thanked him, the both of them felt awkward for awhile.

Sasuke cleaned his throat, "S-So, how are you feeling ?" he asked, stuttered a little. She felt her blushes faded a little as she smiled.

"I'm doing great. A little rest and I should be like I used to." she grinned. She seemed so positive, which made his heart felt at ease.

"Do you want to eat the apple ?" Sasuke asked, pointing the apples on the sidetable with his eyes. Kouri followed his eyes and saw the delicious apple that has been sliced, probably by her mother.

"Sure." she said, but she didn't know how to sit up afterwards.

She felt like an electricity current had went through her body when Sasuke raised her from the bed. He had helped her to a sit up and she used all of her strength to not freak out by the skin contacts on both of her shoulders. She quickly covered herself with the blanket with her back being supported by Sasuke.

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