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She was addicted to it. she craved it. She literally itched for it.

No she wasn't addicted to coke but to weed. She loved how it made her feel. She asked everyone if they had a pen or edibles. She liked the feeling it gave her knowing she forgot the numbness in her body making her feel another numb feeling. She was always laughing when it came to smoking. She hasn't done it in a while since a few weeks ago she bought a "special treat" from her acquaintance and ate the brownie with him.

She knew she could handle it after all it wasn't her first time doing that. She loved how she didn't need to give a damn about the world or her personal problems. She put them aside and let this calm but cheesy girl in. She was very calm and actually happy. She knew those were the side effects of doing marijuana.

Before she took a break, she did it all the time. She even did it with her brother and they bonded over that. She knew she would forever need marijuana in her life whether she will be 18 now or 65 later on. She felt like the marijuana was permanently in her system if that was possible because she always felt like she was high. Marijuana made her feel safe.

Of course she was scared to get caught before when she would go to the bathroom and smoke in the big stall. As time flew by she didn't give a fuck. She smoked in the bathroom, hell she even smoked in the classroom. Her favorite spot was in the girls locker room.

She did it with her new best friend and old close friend she had since 8th grade. there was another girl who would watch but didn't say anything. She would ask the girl if she wanted to smoke but the girl said she didn't know yet, so she told her that when she was ready she already got her whenever. She started to notice a change in everything.

In school she didn't notice how much people smoked in the school till she witnessed it herself when she was high too. she never knew certain people would but then again others she figured without a doubt. She really wanted to smoke again but didn't have the money for it.

While she was on vacation during Thanksgiving she smoked every. single. day. Half of the time she was with her parents higher than the Eiffel tower. She wondered if her parents knew. She didn't care honestly if she got caught. every morning, during the day, and night she smoked. Her body never seemed to catch a break. She was constantly high.

Everything she did she was high. she met knew people and went to parties and got high and drank. She was shit-faced all day long. Her parents gave her the space she needed which she gladly accepted. Therefore she was able to smoke like no other. The money they gave her before they left, she used it for weed.

The money she asked to go buy for "food" , she spent on weed. She spent over $200 on weed in two days. Not to mention they were there for a whole week. In total she spent so much money she could've bought a car with that money she asked from her parents. She knew it was bad what she was doing but it was the only way to make her actually smile. Her and her Brother both said the same thing.

They needed it in their lives. That's one thing their parents can't take from them. No girlfriend or boyfriend can take that from them either. It helped them so much whenever they fought with their parents that they didn't care how much they spent as long as it kicked in automatically and made them numb while having a gigantic smile on their faces.

No matter what behind the fake smile she had, weed was there to help her and make her actually smile and make her not give a fuck about anything or anyone.

She loved weed. She loved feeling good about herself even though it wasn't really her true self. Weed was basically her life and soulmate.

It made her confident.

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