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  Poems were her way in life, her close friends and cousin knew she wrote them. One night she had a "dream" which in this scenario was not, but that made her think about it till this DAY where she only remembered certain parts to make her feel resentful. She lost her old best friend who she thought would stay by her with no exception. She stopped being friends with her the day after Homecoming for she knew what her old best friend did to her.

December 2, 2018


" you both betrayed me
never thought you would do that to me
I loved you both
thinking I would never find out
we all were close
you both left my life
talked about being a couple
thinking of you two gave me a chuckle
you loved each other
when you were my lover
you were my bestie
but you always were a petty
both were my worlds
but I was in the underworld
you both left me to be in hell
while you both became each others angels
while you both are supposably faithful
leaving me painful
in these non stop pages
full of rages
now left to feel stupid
while you both found your cupid"

She wrote this out of anger. Her old best friend did not know why she stopped talking to her. She always told her not to lie for the outcome would not be good. No she did not cry while writing this she just laughed. She laughed because she thought how could she be so stupid and not see that her old lover and old best friend were talking.

  No she wasn't sad, More angry if anything. Not at them but at herself. She was confused to wonder why her old best friend would do such a thing to her if she wouldn't have done it to her? She did not have to explain herself why she stopped talking to her if she only knew why then that was enough. She told herself that she doesn't stop talking to people for fun. She always said if you give her a reason to leave your life she will take it without reasoning.

  She could not bare the sight of her old best friend. No it wasn't her cousin she was talking about even though she knew her cousin wouldn't do that to her, no questions asked. She felt stupid thinking people can hide things from her which in this case they almost did. She was completely over her first old lover but she still didn't think it was okay in general. She realized that her old best friend had liked him while she was in a relationship with her first love, and that made her furious.

  Nothing and no one could try to hide things from her because she hated liars. She hated them with a passion. No matter if she would find out a month later or even a day later, she would find out the truth. She did not search for the truth but for only the truth come to her to tell all of the secrets they have been hiding from her. She laughed with pit when the truth told her everything.

  By now she didn't give a damn if they dated at this point but to only feel bad for her old best friend knowing he would just leave just how he left her. She still thinks about it till this day of her old best friend and lover getting together.

  Of course now they aren't dating for which reason she did not know. Her old best friend started talking to someone new and so did her old lover. They still didn't care about the outcome they did. They did not care whose feelings they were about to hurt. They were in the moment and to them they felt right but for only to hurt her guy best friend who happened to be his best friend as well. Her old lovers loyalty to him was not in his vocabulary, nor honor-ship.

  She laughed how everything was going wrong between the two yet nobody knew but her and her closest friends. She laughed over her old best friend. She laughed after everything they did they no longer spoke. She laughed to her friends asking if her old best friend could describe how he looked like again. She kept laughing but only one thing in her mind that she wanted to so badly tell her old best friend was.. "How does it feel to lose your virginity to someone who I myself lost it to because I thought I was madly in love with ?"

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