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an hour later

After she let out all of her negativity she felt alive again. After she left from her grandparents house she walked home since it was no longer than 25 seconds away. She walked into her house and she felt the tension. She knew something was going to happen but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She went to her room to relax and listen to music. She heard screaming and arguing but she didn't dare get in it because it was between her Mother and Brother, which was rare. Their Father has tried to change so her Father and Brother barely spoke. So she put music on so she could not hear the commotion. The arguments still kept going but she didn't dare step out yet, till her brother came in the room to find socks.

Her brother was screaming yelling things saying that their parents were dead to him over and over again as she just watched telling me to calm down. He just kept telling her if they ever hit her to tell him or call the cops that he didn't care to just do it. She told him that she couldn't because if she did then her Father would kick her out. By that comment he became livid and lashed out screaming again.

she told him to stop it but he laughed with sarcasm and put his head on her bed and screamed as loud as he could while crying in anger. She hated the sight of her Brother being like this knowing it wasn't the first time him being in this state yet, it still struck her. She wanted him to cool down but before she could their Mother came in yelling to him what was wrong with him.
He screamed and so did their Mother as she watched her Brother break down while her mother kept repeating why are you making it a big deal. What she didn't know was that it was not only that situation, but it was every situation since he could remember. Every little thing their parents did to them they added it up every time they made them feel low. Their Father stayed out of it till their mother kept hitting the wall telling her Brother that it was time for him to leave.
She felt like everything Vanished before her eyes. She was crying because she did not want her Brother to leave her because he was her protector. She knew if he left she was afraid her dad will hurt her. But she knew she couldn't leave because of her little Brother. She was furious when their own mother told her she didn't care what they did and only cared for the little Brother. Her Brother screamed to their Mother telling him that she is choosing her husband over her damn kids.
She went to her brothers room seeing her older Brother packing some clothes and leaving while their little Brother is crying telling him not to go.He hugged their little Brother telling him it wasn't his fault and that he would understand how they felt in the future. Hopefully not they both thought. She went back to her grandparents house crying in the back to clear her head out. She soon heard crying mixed with laughter till she turned and saw her Brother telling their grandpa that he was going to kill their Father.
She knew he said that out of anger but he should've never said that she anticipated. He continued to rage out telling everyone that even if he tells his girlfriend something that he would hurt him. It wouldn't be the first time their Father hit her Brother. They both got into a fight but not just screams, an actual fight as if two strangers disagreed on something and threw punch after punch.
Their grandpa with one arm tried to stop her frantic Brother. All of her uncles and Aunts tried to see what was going on but only for her Brother to leave and go with his girlfriend leaving his sister in tears.

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