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She was back to square one and alone. she found it so ironic how she let the person she let go and told her problems to she wanted to talk the most so damn much. She was going to write to him but she had to let him go so she did. Even though he never wrote back to her she still needed to let go of him. She restrained so much from writing to him.
She was alone. Her family knew what was going on but compared it to their past experience as well. She told her friends what was happening. She even told her cousin too. She listened to what they said but, they didn't say what she truly wanted to hear.

What she wanted to hear was that she needed to be set gratis.

  How can someone like her be in a world with so much wrong. She would look at herself and think that wasn't her. She didn't know who that person was. Hell, she didn't even know who the old 12 year old her was either. She didn't feel like she was in her own body. she would look herself in the mirror and furrow her eyebrows in confusion. she would look down upon her palms as if she was knew to all of this. She wasn't comfortable with the atmosphere in her body. She was practically a stranger to her own tenement.

  Since her Brother left, she felt different. She did not smile. She did not laugh like she used too. She had so much soreness against her Parents for what they did. She couldn't bare the sight of them. She did not even want to be a foot near them. She wanted to be with her Brother. She wanted to leave and be with her cousin in Texas.

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