He coldly nodded, continuing to drink his tea.

"Umm." I wrapped my fingers tightly around the warm mug, putting my back on the wall. I flinched a little from the coldness I felt on my shoulders from the contact of the wall but shrugged it away. "Did you sent the video? The video you took last night?" I questioned, taking another sip of the warm tea.

He nodded. Is he acting like my father? No! Even hero talks, unlike Kiaan. I should be glad and appreciate him for making me morning tea but this ignorance and silence was driving me nuts. We both talk twenty-four seven, these nods were unbearable.

"Can't you speak?" I raised my voice. I wanted to sound calm but my tone was nowhere near being 'calm,' it come out as rude question.

Shooting me one last look. Not look, a glare. Kiaan walked off with his mug in his hand, out the bedroom probably sitting in the living room's couch. Amazing! I thought after last night we'd be different but here Mr isn't even talking to me. Fine, I'm not dying for him to speak to me. I huffed in anger, before finishing the tea.

Yawning, I took my tired body to the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen I saw Kiaan outside in the balcony. Standing still, even though his back was facing me I knew he was in deep thought. His muscles seemed tensed, his posture was strong and still showing his broad shoulders. I ignored him, making my way into the kitchen. Putting my mug inside the sink I noticed Kiaan had already washed his.

'Act like a mature adult for once Jaanvi.' I remembered dadi's (Grandma's) scolding. Rolling my eyes, I made my way out to the balcony. It was sunny outside today, not even one leaf was flying on the road. I never liked the sun, it gave me headaches, and wind was my favourite. Kiaan seemed the opposite, it was like the sun wasn't effecting him at all. I glanced at my singlet and black pyjamas, even wearing a singlet made me feel hot, imagine what would've happened if I was wearing a sari? (Indian outfit)

"You like the sun?" I asked, standing next to him, blocking the sun away from my hand. I heard him realise a deep sigh, something was bothering him.

"I was thinking about us." He said, in his deep raspy voice. His eyes looking at the sun, as if challenging it to break the eye contact first. His hands were holding the railing, secure it in his hand. His body tensed.

"As in, last night?" I held in the blush, looking down. Bad choice. Shit. Height and I never got along well, like never, ever. I don't even understand why Kiaan brought this house? Frankly speaking I love the house, but why could our house be on the first floor? Even the people walking on the footpath looked like ants to me. Gulping down the fear of falling off the building, I took a step back sitting on the chair.

"About everything." Kiaan responded, taking a seat right in front of him. His face buried in his hands. This was definitely a serious talk.

"I'm listening." I encouraged him to speak further on, keeping my face was genuine as I could. I was interested in the conversation already. It was about me after all.

"We're childhood friend--" he started but was rudely cut off by me.

"I wouldn't quiet say that." Well, I was being damn honest. Of course, we did care about each other. The care was evident throughout our childhood but we weren't exactly friends.

Sharply glaring at me he fixed his sentence, "We know each other since forever. I understand and accept and also don't judge our relationship back then and now. I know why you hated me--"

I again cut him off, leaning forward. "I never hated you." I needed to clear it out even if he knows it already. "I-it was just difficult. Complicated. I took out my anger on you, anger I stored inside me for chachi." (aunty) He had to know the truth. I never hated him or for the person he was. "Yes I teased you, and I don't regret it but I know I did said some hurtful things to you out of anger. And I'm very sorry about it. I-I think y-you were the only person I thought I could behave like that with because I knew you'd still talk to me." I shrugged, guilt covering my eyes.

Married My Enemy (#1 Rajput) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя