Chapter 29: Wait!

Start from the beginning

Arthur was surprised at the titles. Those were some of his favorite movies, a few being movies he'd never seen before but had told Alfred he wanted to see as well in one of their late night chats through text before they decided to start courting. Hell, it was one of the first things Arthur talked to Alfred about. He was surprised and touched he remembered all that.

Arthur looked at the titles and pointed to one Alfred passed his mouse over.

'Moulin Rouge'

"Huh, I've never seen that one. Is it good?" Alfred asked. Arthur nodded enthusiastically. "Well, let's put it on then."


No, there is nothing wrong with ugly-crying while "Come What May" is playing. Nothing at all.

There is something wrong, however, if you don't laugh at the scene that comes after.

The gun got thrown out of the window and hit the fucking Eiffel Tower, that shit's hilarious.

Arthur giggled at that while tucked under Alfred's arm, still sniffling a bit from the song. Alfred also had some tears in his eyes. Then, that scene came. Arthur was bawling all over again in Alfred's arms.

"That was a good movie," Alfred mumbled as the end credits started playing. Arthur nodded, nuzzling closer to the alpha.

Alfred was trying to get up to put a new movie but Arthur wouldn't let him. "Art."

"Hmph." The omega grumbled but didn't let go. Alfred laughed, reaching for the computer by putting his feet up in the air and having it slide down to him. "What movie do you want next?"

Arthur shrugged, looking over to Alfred and poking his chest.

"Me? You want me to choose?" Alfred asked. Arthur nodded. "Gee, I dunno. Uh, Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark?"

Arthur had a confused face on, looking at Alfred's suggested movie. His scent made it clear he had no idea what Alfred was talking about.

"You don't know Indiana Jones?!" Alfred gawked. He loved the Indiana Jones movies, how did Arthur not know about them?! Or was he doing that American thing where he assumed everyone outside the U.S. knew something that was strictly an American thing?... Probably that.

"Do you know Harrison Ford? Han Solo in the Star Wars franchise?" Alfred asked. Arthur nodded. "Well, he plays Indiana Jones. It's super cool, you'll love it! And If you have any questions you can ask me, okay?"

Arthur nodded and they started watching.

Needless to say, Arthur loved it! He understood why Alfred did too! It's amazing!

Alfred smiled at Arthur's shared excitement. "There are more movies if you wanna check them out with me." He suggested. Arthur nodded and they started watching more.

The light pattern of rain on the windows began to echo in the room when the best movie (Temple of Doom) began playing. A chill swept into the room and Arthur shivered, snuggling up closer to the alpha as they watched Indi, Short Round, and Willie escapes the club in a car toward an airport and into a plane.

He loved Shorty already. He was adorable and reminded him of his kids from the daycare.

At the end of the movie, both Arthur and Alfred were starting to get a bit hungry.

"I brought microwave dinners, do you want that?" Alfred suggested.

Arthur pursed his lips and looked at his choices to see which one he'd get. He settled on chicken nuggets, mac n' cheese, and a brownie. Alfred got one with a fried chicken patty with country gravy on it, mashed potatoes, and corn.

They heated them up in the microwave and watched another movie as they ate, this time watching The Last Crusade.

It was getting a bit late by the time the movie finished and Alfred was growing a bit tired. Arthur noticed and put the computer away, climbing into the bed better so he can face Alfred. They both stared at each other until they started to laugh.

"Damn, Artie. Is it too early to tell you I fucking love you?" Alfred chuckled nervously, staring at Arthur.

Arthur stared back, eyes lighting up after Alfred spoke. His face was flushed and he had a large smile. Moon above, Arthur looked so beautiful.

Alfred scooted closer, wrapping his arms around Arthur's waist and pulling him closer, closing his eyes as their lips met. He rolled onto his back so Arthur was on top of him while they deepened the kiss. Arthur was straddling Alfred's waist, hands on either side of his alpha's face as he moaned.

Arthur shivered as Alfred's hands roamed his body, pushing his shirt up so his hands could freely touch his skin, and started to kiss around Alfred's neck.

"Arthur," Alfred whispered, voice shaky. Arthur looked at Alfred and noticed the alpha's face was burning.

Arthur stared in confusion until he felt it.

Oh shit, Alfred is hard.

They both started blushing and Arthur bit his lip, looking at Alfred curiously. To Alfred's utter surprise, Arthur slid under the covers and down to Alfred's, ah, problem.

"Artie?!" Alfred sat up and pulled Arthur up too, looking at his seriously. "Arthur Kirkland, the love of my life, I do not need you to do that for me. There is no fucking way in this whole entire world I would ever make you do that for me. We, we just started dating, okay? We can get to all this later, but not now. Yeah?"

Arthur looked down sheepishly, but Alfred lifted his face again, staring straight into his eyes. "I will never make you pleasure me if I cannot please you in return. Lay back down with me Artie. Let's go to sleep."


Arthur couldn't sleep.

He just couldn't stop staring at Alfred. The alpha stopped him from giving him pleasure. Alphas from plenty of books he's read don't usually stop that. They crave the dominance that goes with it. Having your omega pleasure means you are in charge of your omega.

That was the old way of thinking. Now, an alpha is just as attentive to their omega's needs outside of heat as inside one. Alfred is no different it seems.

He really cares about Arthur's needs and not just his own. He really was the perfect mate.

The omega smiled and closed his eyes, snuggling close to Alfred.

"I love you too, Alfred."


Hey. How's it going. So, yeah, I'm not dead! I'm still here! I just also have a fic on Archive and that's the only website my school computer lets me on, so it's the only one I can really update when I'm bored at school. I have been working on this one too though, just not as fast since I really hate doing it on my phone.

Anyway, sorry it's short but thank you so much for reading it. I will try very hard to update faster next time so none of you worry about me abandoning this book.

I have so much I need to put in here, including some...











Yeah, so beware. Alfred's fight streak and Arthur's low tolerance for fighting will come up again, but I won't say how or when.

I'll see you guys next time! :D

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