Chapter 29: Wait!

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Mature themes ahead guys, you've been warned! (Nothing really happens though)


No One's POV:

Alfred ran out to the garden with Arthur on his back, straight to the gazebo from before. He hadn't been there since the day Arthur almost spoke to him.

Then the memory from a few days ago crashed into his mind too. Arthur had spoken to him. He said goodnight to him.

It was wishful thinking, but maybe one day he'd even say he loved him.

He stepped inside and Arthur got off his back, looking around. Alfred smiled sheepishly. "Surprise."

While Arthur was doing homework, Dylan helped Alfred deck the gazebo with blankets, pillows, and fairy lights so it would be comfortable. (They even had a blow-up mattress!) Alfred also brought his laptop (fully charged) and set in the middle of everything.

Arthur looked at everything then up at Alfred, who was rubbing the back of his head. "I wanted to do a little surprise for you. Dylan helped me set this up while you were finishing your homework. I downloaded a whole bunch of movies we talked about that you wanted to see on the laptop and, well, thought maybe we could have a movie date?"

Arthur smiled and dragged Alfred over to the small campsite to inspect it further. The computer was there of course, but also a microwave and a box full of sweets, at least, that's what Arthur saw when he peeked into them.

"I really like how this place is like an actual building with solid walls and stuff because it's supposed to get windy and maybe rain. And there are electricity plugs over there that I can plug the cords into if needed. I got this extension cord and this multi-plug too just in case. Oh! And if it gets super cold, I brought a room heater and there's an electronic heating blanket in this pile. Are you cold now? I can turn it on." Alfred rambled as he showed Arthur everything he brought. He had been planning this for a while, it seemed.

Arthur was giggling from behind his fist and shook his head.

"You sure?" Alfred tilted his head slightly. Arthur nodded. He looked down at the small bed and hummed, wanting to put some flare on it. He looked over at Alfred and nodded down to the bed.

"Huh? Oh, you wanna spice it up? Go ahead. I'll make some popcorn and start setting up a movie for us."

Arthur went right on it. This would be one of Arthur's biggest nest projects. It is important that when courting, an omega must make a nest that both they and their alpha find comfortable so they know what their future nest looks like during mating in the omega's heat and after.

He moved a pillow there, angled a blanket differently, almost completely got rid of something once but he changed it to another part of the makeshift nest instead. When he finished, he stood and looked at his handiwork.

"Wow, it looks super comfy. Better than how Dylan and I arranged it." Alfred commented, looking at the bed. Arthur beamed, very prideful at the moment.

"Let's jump in!"

And Alfred just jumped... Onto everything... Messing it up...

Bloody Wanker

Arthur only gave an annoyed huff but laid down beside Alfred.

"What movie do you wanna watch first? I have 'The Notebook', 'Pride and Prejudice', 'A Walk to Remember', 'Dirty Dancing', 'The Princess Bride', 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'..." Alfred listed more movies, most under the romance genre.

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