Chapter Eighty Seven

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Time skip 8 months

Also this little bit is gonna be a recap of what happened in the past 8 months

So basically Jake and Erika dropped out of school but are now home schooling because Erika was getting picked on for being "fat" when she was pregnant but they couldn't tell anyone that so they dropped out. Also they moved out of Ohio and moved to L.A in a normal house to raise a family. They also found out the gender of the baby which is a ... Also dan always send them money incase they need it but they really don't but they accept his offer anyway.

Jake barely gets any sleep because he's taking care of Erika or going out to buy things to provide the family he's expecting, their baby should come anytime this month unless it comes early they already know what they are gonna name of the baby ... and they are just both excited and ready for it to happen.

Jake's POV
I wake up from my two hour sleep and rush downstairs and start making Erika favourite; toast and frosting. She's always wanted this since day one of our pregnancy journey, also she hasn't been having bad mood swings because since the last one was so bad she learned how to control it, oh you may be asking what happened well..


I came home five minutes late from getting our food and I run upstairs to see Erika crying and balling her eyes out
J-baby what's wrong
E-Jake? I thought you were dead
J-no I'm right here baby
E-why are you home so late
J-the line up was really long and it took me a while to get to the front and to order
E-don't lie
J-I'm not
E-tell me the truth! *yells*
J-babe calm down
E-*gasps* you cheated on me didn't you
J-no I was getting food, look *holds up the bags*
E-get out
J-what I didn't do anything
J-but i didn't do anything and you need me
E-I don't need you  never did I'm gonna raise this kid on my own and if you don't get out I will hurt you with this

She pulled a knife out on me, I just put my hands up and slowly walked out of the room with the food
E-leave the food bitch

I put it down and walked out with my hands up still as she was about to close the door the put her head out
E-also I don't love you anymore

So that's basically what happened but we are all good now

I walk upstairs with Her toast in my hand, as I opened the door she looks at me and smiles and holds her arms out like a child, I smile and laugh lightly at how cute she is, I hand her the food and sit down with her
E-you have a little something on your nose
J-I do?
E-*wipes frosting on his nose* now you do
J-*wipes some on her nose* hey you too
E-I wonder why

(Writing this reminds me of how lonely I am)

Once she finished I helped her down stairs and put her in the living room while I got some waters for us. Once I sat down she cuddled up to me and looked up at me smiling
E-your gonna be such a great dad
J-and your gonna be such a great mom

She just smiles and turns on the Tv while I do some online schooling

It's probably about 10pm and all we did all day was watch tv and eaten and sat here, becuase that's what we do best

Erika eventually falls asleep and as I was about to turn off all the lights and bring her upstairs she wakes up
E-my water just broke
J-holy shit shit shit, ok you try to make it to the car a little bit while I get the bag and everything

I run upstairs as fast as I can and I hear Erika groaning in pain, I grab the bag and my keys and run back down and outside and throw them in the car. I run back to Erika and carefully pick her up and rush her to the car and get in...

760 words

A.N. I'm gonna be ending this book in next few chapters❤️

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