Chapter Thirty Nine

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Jake's POV
I jump off of Erika and almost fall I look up and see Jc towering over me he was much bigger than me (just pretend) so he scared me a lot more then kids at school
Jc-what the fuck were you doing to Erika
E-he was kissing his girlfriend you got a problem with that
Jc-I never gave you permission to date my sister now did I?
Jc-*picks Jake up and pushes him against the wall* remember I made the promise that I would hurt you I guess that promise is going to come true
J-p-please don't I'm sorry
Jc-is Jakey scared
Jc-don't be scared Jakey I'm just going to knock you out

I watched Erika back up slowly then Jc let's go of me quickly and walks towards Erika, Erika just runs outside while I'm standing here he comes back over to me and shoves me harder into the wall he punches me straight in the face and that made me hit my head against the wall I hear the door open and it's Erika he walks towards her again and she runs back outside then he locks the door so she can't get back in he comes back to me and laughs seeing me scared and helpless he puts his hands around my neck and picks me up by my neck so I'm about a couple feet of the ground I would say I start choking and trying to hit and kick him to let me down but he's not moving he's just laughing at me right as I was about to pass out he drops me to the floor I'm just laying here gasping for air while I hear banging on the door he then kicks me in the stomach and rips multiple times he picks me up by my hair and punches me in the face a lot of times it made me loose count he drops me and I just lay there and he walks into a different room after a couple of minutes he comes back with a metal bat and starts slamming it down on my chest I trie to stop it but I'm to weak I cough and blood comes out of my mouth he was about to do more but Dan busted the door open and he seen me laying on the floor beat up and coughing out blood he tackled Jc and held him there as Erika called the cops, then she came to me
E-Jake, Jake, your going to be ok the ambulance is coming
J-it hu-hurts *crying*
E-trust me you will be ok

After five minutes I hear sirens then a lot of footsteps I see a couple cops take Jc away in handcuffs while I'm being put on a stretcher right as I got into the back of the ambulance they start taking off my shirt to see what happened then they go to take off my key
J-NO leave that here
N-no Jake we have to take it off
J-no please don't
N-*sighs* fine

She moves it so it's not in the way and she started putting ice on my chest right as she touched it I started coughing and blood kept co I got out of my mouth I started crying again because it burned my throat and I was scared, also they didn't let Erika come in the ambulance with us.. We make it to the hospital and they rush me in I look around and see a lot of people I knew from school in the waiting room with their families they all cover there mouth in shock when they seen me, I guess I would too my chest is purple, blue and black I have blood coming out of my mouth and my face is bloody and bruised and I'm crying, they go through doors into a different room, they didn't put me to sleep they just started looking at me seeing what's wrong they said I have no broken bones, thank god, but  they said they have to pop something back into place I'm just here confused
J-um excuse me
J-w-what do you have to pop back into place?
N-oh we have to pop one of your ribs back into place because it shifted but it's not broken but when we pop it back the bleeding that's coming up your throat will stop
J-oh ok will it hurt really bad
N-yea it will hurt a lot, and we would give you pain killers but they won't work for this
J-oh.. ok

After 5 minutes she comes back with a guy doctor and he places his hands on my chest and the lady counts down from five once she says one he pushes really hard all you can here is a giant pop/snap I scream really loud the whole hospital probably heard me I grabbed onto the side of the bed to contain my self from punching something, then they brought me to my room I would be staying in and left they just left me in pain and only in pants I don't even have a blanket or a shirt, I just lay there cold, in pain and scared.. about 30 minutes later the door opens and Erika and Dan come in, Erika walks up to me smiling with tears in her eyes and dans eyes are staring at my chest because it's all purple black and blue
J-babe what's wrong
E-my asswhole of a brother did this to you
J-I'm fine trust me
E-you didn't sound fine earlier everyone heard you scream it went dead silent, what did they do to you, we also heard a pop
J-oh that was them popping my ribs back into place
D-jeez I'm sorry man
J-nah it's fine
D-well he's gone to jail for a little maybe about 2 years
J-damn I feel bad
J-because I put like 4 people in jail
J-Chance, chances dad, Greg, and now Jc
D-damn, but at least your safe now
J-I guess, but when and I getting discharged
E-I'm not sure can you go check please dan
D-yea of course
D-*walks out*
E-do you still want to go to school even though tomorrow is Sunday but on Monday do you want to
J-yea I need to, to hand in my work and to get my grades up
E-oh yeah I forgot you had all that work, how much more do you have to do
J-like around 60 more papers
D-*walks in* you can go now I signed the papers
J-ok, and can I maybe wear you sweater Dan I don't have my shirt
D-oh yeah here

Dan took off his sweater an gave it to me we walked out and when we walked by the waiting room everyone was asking what happened I ignored them and continued walking once we got home I went straight up stairs and laid down and went to bed

1286 words

A.N: hey guys here a chapter everyone was asking for😂 you guys really don't like it when I make a cliffhanger, anyway don't forget to vote and comment for more❤️

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