


15 minutes later

Kol enters the room with a towel hung low on his hips just as the news on the TV comes on and at first I don't take any notice as I had been making a cup of tea in the corner of the room by the little table where there's tea, coffee and milk for us to have. My ears perk up when I hear the news lady start talking about the clean up of a town after an extraterritorial attack. I ignore Kol for a moment as I move to stand in front of the TV and watch as I slowly begin sipping my tea.

(TV News Reading)

New reporter: Puente Antiguo, New Mexico city is still going under some construction to clean the town up and rebuild what was damaged during the extraterritorial attack that happened almost two weeks ago. A couple weeks back a strange foreign object in the form of a hammer appear in the town and caused quite the stir amongst citizens and even governments officials as nobody could lift up this so-called hammer. People traveled to try and lift the hammer some even went as far as to use their trucks and cars to try and move the hammer but it never budged. The government official agency S.H.E.I.L.D turned up and forced people away to investigate the scene, nobody could quite figure out what they were searching for as they kept things tightly under wraps that is until one strange man broke into the investigation area, beating up and knocking out several S.H.E.I.L.D workers in the process and it was all to try and lift the hammer but was caught after he failed. A couple of days later a strange bright light came down from the sky and four strange people wearing armour appeared and were seen conversing with the man that broke into the S.H.E.I.L.D sight. Not long after another bright light came down from the sky and a robot like creature descended onto the town

A picture of the destroyer pops up on screen and I anxiously fiddle with my fingers as I stare at the thing that was created to fight off dark menaces.

The robot which is now been named as the destroyer started destroying anything in it's path until it was suddenly stopped by the strange man and his friends. They apparently tried to fight the destroyer off but it kept coming at them. At one moment it appeared to stop when the blonde man now named as Thor stood in front of it and appeared to have been pleading with it. Some nearby witnesses say they heard him say the word 'brother' and just when it seemed like it was going to stop and turn away. It had smacked Thor sending him flying and seemed to have almost killed him but then the most extraordinary thing happened. The hammer that people tried so hard to lift suddenly came flying to him and seemed to have healed him. Thor then battled the destroyer and destroyed it.

The incident occurred two weeks ago, Thor has disappeared, S.H.E.I.L.D have taken possession of the destroyer and yet the people of the town haven't been given a proper explanation. S.H.E.I.L.D officials refuse to answer anything but their director, Nick Furry claimed the incident was a fault of one of their weapons they created and that it had been hacked and stolen from them. However he didn't have anything to say regarding Thor who apparently is from another world, a world all or most of us thought didn't exist. Thor is supposedly from a planet called Asgard and is the God of Thunder but is that really the truth? Was this Thor guy really from another planet or was it all just some hoax? Was the whole incident staged? It is heard that the government aren't pleased with the incident and are demanding protocols in case of another incident like this occurs.  My names Georgia Washington and this was the news at 10, thank you and goodbye

Kol turns the TV off after that and turns to look at me "was that the incident your father caused?" he asks I nod blinking back my tears "yes. I didn't know the full extent of it but now I've seen images of the destruction and the damage he did. I don't quite know what to say or how to feel about it" I respond "hey, hey it's going to be fine" he says sitting next to me as I sniffle "I know it's just I know what he did was bad but he only did it because he was angry and hurt, he just wanted to act out, he wanted people to know how he was feeling and he just didn't quite know how to do that so he did it in the wrong way" I respond "sometimes people do the wrong things when they're hurting" he replies "I know. I just wish my grandparents told him sooner and then this mess could've been avoided" I say "I agree they should've but there's no turning back time so they can't change it" he replies I lean my head on his shoulder "I'm glad he didn't succeed in killing my uncle as I know despite how hurt and angry he was feeling, he loved my uncle and if he had killed him then I know he would instantly regret it" I say I feel him press his lips against my forehead as he grabs hold of one of my hands. "So your uncle is Thor the God of Thunder?" he says "yes he is" I reply lifting my head off the shoulder "wow, I didn't expect that. My mother always told us stories of Thor the god of thunder when we were children. They told us that whenever it thundered, it was his doing and all that although I heard the stories of him very differently from my siblings" he responds "how so?" I ask turning my head towards him "well my mother only ever told the stories of Thor to my older brother Finn and when she was pregnant with Elijah. I was told stories about Thor and Norse Gods from this woman that saved me" he replies "saved you? What happened to you?" I ask he smiles slightly "when I was around 5 years of age, I had been exploring in the woods with my siblings but I got lost and I fell into a steep hole that was too deep for me to climb out of and I had twisted my ankle. I shouted for help but nobody came, I was stuck in that hole for hours. Soon night came and I thought for sure that I was going to die either by dehydration and staving to death or by some hungry wild animal but then in the early hours of the morning when the sun had just begun to rise, a woman appeared at the top and lowered herself in the hole with a rope. She smiled at me and I was too weak and tired to do or say anything and I let her pick me up as I somehow knew she wouldn't hurt me" he explains "what happened after that?" I ask intrigued "she took me to a little cottage hidden deep in the woods by a field and she bathed me and she tended to my ankle, putting some odd substance that was meant to sooth and heal the swelling which it did. She gave me food and let me sleep and as I lay there falling to sleep she started telling me about Norse Gods and Asgard but it was all words to me at the time as I was too tired. The next day I woke up and she made me this big breakfast, stating a growing boy such as myself needed as much protein and energy I could get. I didn't feel threatened by her one bit, she was very kind and she was very pretty, to me I thought she was an angel as she had saved my life and took care of me when she didn't need too" he explains "well I am certainly thankful for her" I respond he smiles "so am I. You know when she took me back home, I honestly didn't want to go back as I was happy with her and I knew the moment I got home, I'd be punished for not staying with my siblings and I'd go back to being the ignored child. The minute she stepped foot in the village with me in her arms everyone in the village stopped and looked at her just as my parents appeared. Mikael instantly started yelling once the woman had put me down and Esther began to accuse her of abducting me but she quickly put them in their place. She explained how I had fell in a deep hole and couldn't get out and how she had found me and took me back to her place to tend to my ankle and feed me as I was hungry. She also lectured them on not keeping a better eye on me and she berated Mikael for yelling at me claiming I did not deserve to be treated or yelled at in that manner and that he should pipe down" he explains with a chuckle. "Did you see her after that?" I ask "I saw her twice after that. I kept sneaking out to the woods to practice magic and she'd somehow find me and she'd help me with my magic something my mother never bothered or wanted to do and afterwards she'd tell me stories of Norse Gods" he explains "she was a witch?" I ask "sort of, she was too powerful for a normal witch though. She could do things no other witch could do, she knew things others didn't and she taught me a lot in the span of only seeing her three times" he responds "why didn't you see her after the third time?" I ask "she said she had to move as she sensed she would be found by someone she was trying to avoid and hide from to keep her family safe" he explains "did you ever learn her name?" I ask curiously "I did but I've forgotten the name but I do know it began with an L" he responds I nod "I see well whoever she is, I'm grateful for her. Now I think it's time we start heading back to your siblings" I say getting off the bed and grabbing my jeans from the floor and putting them on. I've decided I'll have a shower when I get back to the plantation "do we have to go back?" he asks with a whine as he pulls on his boxers followed by his jeans "yes we need to sort things out with your brothers and lay down some rules about not stabbing each other in the back. I also have a plan to deal with Marcel and the witches who want to kill Hayley's unborn daughter" I respond he groans but smiles as I give him a kiss on the cheek. I quickly remove his shirt from my body and hand it to him. I retrieve my camisole top and slip it on. I grab my bloodied top and turn it inside out before putting it on "alright you ready to go?" I ask "not really but might as well get this over and done with" he replies as we head for the door. "Don't worry I won't let Klaus dagger you, I will find those daggers of his and I will destroy every single one of them" I say as we walk out the door, shutting it behind us. 

As we reach the foyer I see the girl from earlier who kept eyeing Kol and she glances at us, squinting her eyes and leaning against the counter showing off her cleavage as she was wearing a very low cut top. I rolled my eyes as we stopped at the reception desk where she unfortunately was "hi we'd like to check out please" I say she gives me a fake smile "sure" she says before beginning to tap at the computer. "So did you enjoy your stay?" she asks looking at Kol "I didn't get much sleep last night" he replies "oh I'm sorry to hear that. Why is that may I ask?" she asks batting her eyelashes flirtatiously "well for one this girl was riding me all night long and the mattress was a bit bumpy" he replies causing me to bite my lip in order to hold back my laughter at the look on her face. "Oh uh well we'll make sure that isn't a problem next time" she replies glancing down at the computer as he pulls me close to him, wrapping an arm around my waist. "That would be great because there's nothing more uncomfortable than having to make love on a bumpy mattress" he responds "do you have to discuss our sex life? It is suppose to be private you know?" I ask playing along "sorry darling I just can't help myself. You're so good in bed" he replies making my cheeks flush red but a smirk soon appears on my face as even know we haven't slept together yet, I know he's in for one hell of a ride as like I told him the other day Asgardian's have excellent stamina and an insatiable sexual appetite and we like to get dirty and rough. Does it make me seem a little vain if I say I'm going to be good in bed? I suppose it does but I guess that's just my confidence speaking and my willingness to want to please Kol the best I can and be the best at sex than any other woman he's slept with, I want to make him forget about all those women as like I told him before I don't like competition and I see it as a bit of a competition to be better in bed than all the previous women, he's had in his life.

The waiter girl is very quick to check us out after Kol's last comment and we quickly leave the hotel hand in hand "so how are we getting home?" Kol asks since we don't have a car on us as I flew here "let's just walk it and we'll stop halfway and fly or you can use your vampire speed" I reply he nods "okay let's do that then" he says and with that we begin walking away from the hotel, heading in the direction we want to go to get back to the plantation.

End of chapter, what did you think? Any good? Davina got a little peeved by the waiter girl checking Kol out. Kol ordered her breakfast, aww. Davina saw a news report on her uncle. Kol gave her some comfort and he opened up to her about some of his childhood. Kol was saved by some woman as a child. Who was the woman? Kol and Davina are returning to his siblings. What will happen when they return? Will they start or will they leave it and move on not wanting to piss off Davina? What will happen? Stay tuned for more

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