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"What's going on?!"

I flinch and close my eyes at the loudness in Jin's voice. I keep my eyes closed when I hear heavy footsteps coming towards the bed. I gasp and almost scream when I feel myself being roughly yanked away from Yoongi. My eyes fly open when I'm no longer in his arms and being pressed against a hard chest. I can see that when I was pulled from his grasp, Yoongi rolled and fell off the bed. My eyes widen even more when Yoongi quickly stands up. He look pissed. I could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears as he glared at Jin.

His eyes flickered from Jin's face, to mine, then down to where Jin's arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me to him so my feet weren't touching the ground, and then back up. When he saw how Jin was holding me he seemed to get angrier but I'm sure it was just my imagination.

"What the hell was that for?!"

I tilted my head back and saw Jin's eyes narrow. I don't think he liked that Yoongi was talking to him with so much disrespect.

"What were you doing with y/n?"

I looked back at Yoongi and saw his eyes quickly move to look at Jin's arm that was still holding me against him before the darted back up to Jin's face.

"I was sleeping!"

"With my sister?!"

I flinch when Jin yells because he was right by my ear.

"It's not like we had sex!"

My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed. I could feel Jin's grip on me tighten. Just then I hear someone clear their throat and then put their hand on Jin's arm that's holding me, their fingers lightly pressing into my waist. I turn my head and see Jimin looking up at Jin. His eyes move to meet mine and he gives me a reassuring look. He turns his attention back to Jin when he turns his head.

"What is it Jimin!"

Both my eyes and Jimins widen when Jin raises his voice.

"I'm sorry. I just thought that I could take y/n out of here."

Jin clenches his jaw then relaxes it before he slowly puts my down, letting me stand on my own two feet. I walk over to Jimin and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. When he does I hear a deep, almost animalistic growl come from behind me. We all turn our heads towards Yoongi with wide eyes.

"There's no need. I'll be the one leaving."

Yoongi was talking to all of us but his eye were trained on one thing in particular. That thing would be Jimins arm that was still draped over my shoulders. He seemed to be glaring at anyone who touched me. He clenched his jaw and let out a huff as he closed his eyes and turned his head away from me. When he opened his eyes again he started walking towards the door. When he got close to us and was going to pass us Jin grabbed ahold of his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.

"This better not happen again. I'm not going to let you mess around and hurt my sister."

"I'm not making any promises. This is between me and her."

He yanks his hand away from Jin and looks up at him. He still looked mad but now there was also pain and sadness mixed in with the anger. You could see it in his eyes as he stared down Jin. It became even more noticeable to me when Yoongi turned his head and locked eyes with me. I felt like all the air left my lungs. I could feel my cheeks warm up slightly. We stayed like that, looking into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity. In reality it was only a few seconds before he turned back towards the door. He started walking and when he had the door open and was halfway through, he stopped.

"I have no intention of hurting her. That's the one and only thing that I'm going to promise you."

With that he left. I heard his door slam shut and I flinched slightly. We were all frozen, unable to move or talk. All I could do was stare at the door.

"Well that was intense."

I blink a few times and shake my head when I hear Jimins voice come from beside me, breaking me from my trance.

"Y-yea. Yea it was."

I look over at Jimin and he gives me a small smile. I try to give him one back but I can't seem to find the energy to do it.

"I'm going to go back downstairs. The others and I will be leaving soon."

I nod and he leans in, wrapping me in a tight, warm hug. I wrap my arms around his back and return the hug. He pulls back and puts his hands on my shoulders. He gives me another soft smile before he plants a soft kiss on my forehead and walks out of the room. I started to follow him but a big hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. He leans down a little and places his hands on either side of my face.

"What's going on with you and Yoongi? I thought you didn't like each other but ever since he brought you to the hospital he's been acting different. He seems really protective and gets angry when anyone else touches you even though we're all in relationships and have our mates."

"Nothing's going on Jin. I promise. I don't know why he's acting like this."

He presses his lips together and pulls his eyebrows together as well. He closes his eyes and looks down, letting out a sigh. He looks back at me and gives me a small smile before pulling me into a hug.

"If you say so."

He pulls back and places his hands on my shoulders just like Jimin did.

"Now, I have to get to work with Namjoon and Hoseok. The others are also going to be at school today. Be safe and careful. I would also like if you stayed away from Yoongi but I know that that is your choice."

I nod and he kisses my forehead before walking out of my room and telling me goodbye. I let out a sigh and walk over to close my bedroom door. It's been a long morning and I'm already exhausted. I decided to take a quick shower before I changed into a big black t-shirt and a pair of purple cotton shorts.

I slip back into bed and close my eyes. I wanted to take a nap but I fall into a deep sleep and end up spending the entire day in bed. I only wake up when I hear piano music echoing through the house. I slowly blink until my eyes are fully open. The music was beautiful but it sounded sad. I slowly get out of bed and make my way downstairs. I walk to the music room and quietly open the door. It's been a while since I last heard him play but there he was, sitting at the piano under the moonlight, eyes closed. He was lost in the music.

Hello beautiful people!

It's been a few days and I'm sorry for not updating. I've been swamped with schoolwork recently and haven't had time to write anything. Plus I've had writers block which absolutely sucks.

I just wanted to tell you guys that I was thinking about writing another BTS fanfic. It would be about littles and headspace. If you don't know what that is I recommend looking it up or better yet, you should read Little Bit Of Trouble and Little Of Your Heart by 0o_pervy_noona_o0. Those are two of my favorite books and the one I want to write would be kinda similar to Little Bit Of Trouble. However, I by no means intend to steal any of their work.

Please tell me your thoughts on this book and if you think I should write the one I was thinking about.

Thank you guys for all the support.

I love you and Happy Valentines Day!!!

Until next time my lovely little nightmares.


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