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I blink and turn my head towards Jin. He was waving his hand in front of my eyes. It was hard to take my eyes away from the handsome men sitting in front of me. They were sitting on two different couches and one was in a chair.


He shakes his head.

"It's alright. Now these are the others. The one over there..."

He points to a man sitting close to us on a couch to our left. He looked to be the youngest. He had fluffy black hair that covered the top of his deep blue eyes. He was wearing a black and red striped sweater with a few holes cut in it.

"That's Jungkook or Kookie. He's the youngest other than you."

I nod and look at Jungkook. He smiles at me and gives me a small wave. I offer a small smile back. Then Jin points to the man sitting next to Jungkook. He had lavender colored hair that came to just above his icy light blue eyes. He had a white t-shirt on under a leather jacket and had a lollipop hanging out of his mouth.

"That's Taehyung or Tae. He's the next youngest."

I turn my head to Taehyung and nod when he takes the lollipop out of his mouth and smiles at me. Then Jin points at the last person sitting on that couch. He had pale orange hair that met the top of his forest green eyes. He had on a grey tank top.

"That's Jimin or Chimchim. He's the same age as Tae."

I give Jimin a small smile and he offers me a big one. When he smiled his eyes almost disappeared. Jin then moved to the couch that's directly in front of us. It held two more people.

"Now for the next couch."

I look to where he's pointing and see a man with pastel pink hair that came just above his eyebrows. He had sky blue eyes that lit up when he smiled at me. He had on a black long sleeve turtleneck with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"The one sitting to the left on the second couch is my husband Namjoon or Joonie. I told you about him on the way here. He's also next in age after Jimin."

I give him a small wave and a another small smile. Jin then points to the man sitting next to Namjoon. He had silvery white hair that came to the top of his light grey eyes. He had on a dark grey long sleeved sweater.

"That's Hoseok or Hobi. In age he comes after Namjoon."

He then turns to the last person in the room. He was sitting in a chair to our right. He had blonde hair with dark roots that came to the top of his dark brown, almost black, eyes. He had on a long sleeved plain black shirt. He didn't smile or wave. He only looked at me.

"That's Yoongi. He's the second oldest. He comes after Hobi but before me cause I'm older than all of you. We sometimes call him Suga."

I keep looking at Yoongi for a few seconds before turning back to Jin.

"He doesn't look very sweet."

I jump a bit when everyone, excluding Yoongi, starts laughing. Jin looks at him and gives him a small glare.

"You better be nice to my sister."

I look back over to see him roll his eyes and move his finger over his heart in an X before holding up his hand. Then I hear someone clear their throat and look forward to see Namjoon standing in front of me. He holds out his hand for me to shake and I hesitantly grab it.

"It's nice to finally meet you. We've all heard so much about you. Jin wouldn't stop talking about his sister once you told him you were coming back."

"Oh. How much did he tell you?"

I remove my hand from his and look over at Jin. He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"I didn't tell them. I'm going to wait until you're ready."

I nod and look back at Namjoon.

"He told us that you were very pretty."

I try my hardest not to scoff at his statement. I've never found myself attractive but others always tell me I am.

"He said that you were kind and caring and that you took care of each other when you had no one else. He said that you two have been together for a long time. He told us that you were very smart and a quick learner. He said that in all his years of knowing you that you never ceased to amaze him."

"Well I hope I don't disappoint you."

Jin puts his hands on my shoulders and I look up at him.

"You'd never disappoint anyone. Trust me. I've known you long enough to have figured that out."

I nod and look back at the six other men in the room. They all gave me big smiles, except for Yoongi. He just sat there and stared at me. It made me feel really uncomfortable.

We all sat in the living room and talked, although the guys did most of the talking. I got to know the others better, except for Yoongi who fell asleep in the chair he was in. It was around 5:30 when I arrived here and now it was almost midnight.

"Hey, y/n, I think you should go to bed. You've had a long day and I know talking to us must be exhausting."

"Yea. Also before I leave I wanted to say that I like all of you're contacts. They look really good. I expected to be met by a lot of red eyes."

Jin smiles at me as do the others while I get up and start to walk towards the door. I stop in the doorway and turn to wave at them then proceed to make my way upstairs.

Just before I can get into my room I feel a presence behind me. I turn around to see Yoongi stalking down the hall. I thought he was going to say something to me but I was wrong. He walked right past me and went into his room closing the door behind him without a word. I stare at the door for a few moments before turning around and going into my own room. Once the lights are off and the door is closed I walk over to the bed and climb under the covers before drifting into a deep sleep.

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