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Yet again I wake up in an unfamiliar room. This time the room is filled with herbs and medical supplies. I slowly sit up and look around. That guy, Jin, isn't here. I get off the bed I was on and walk around, looking at the herbs all over the room.

"I see that you're up."

I turn around and see Jin standing on the other side of the room. I look into his red eyes and remember what happened to me. A red eyed creature like him bit me and it injected me with something while I was fighting. I glare at him and get into a fighting stance.

"What happened to me?!"

"I don't want to hurt you I promise."

He puts his hands in the air but I stay in my position.

"One of my kind bit you while you and your people were fighting."

"Your kind?! What are you creatures? What happened to my people?!"

"I'm a vampire just like the people who attacked you. We are descendants of sort from people that came before us that had been bitten by bats and forced to feed off of blood. Much like you are descendants of wolves."

I get out of my stance and just stand there staring at him.

"I'm very sorry to tell you but you are the only one of you're people that I found alive. But you aren't the same as you were before. You see when someone is bitten by my kind we have the ability to inject them with venom. Depending on how much is injected it can either kill the person or change them."

Tears well up in my eyes when he tells me about my people but I refuse to let them fall. They are with the moon goddess now.

"Change? What do you mean change?!"

"Well for you it seems to be different than normal since you weren't human. When a human is bitten they change into one of us, a vampire. But since you were a werewolf you seem to have become a hybrid of sorts. When a human changes their eyes turn red like mine but you, your eyes are half red and half violet like they used to be."

My eyes widen and I run over to a mirror that was hanging on a wall to my right. When I look at myself I see that he was right. My eyes were two different colors. The tears that have been threatening to fall finally do. I look back at Jin.

"What's going to happen to me?! Do I have to drink blood? Will I have to kill people?!"

"You can stay with me. Vampires are immortal. We can die but not from age. You stopped physically aging as soon as you changed. As well as food I'm not sure we'll have to see. You won't have to kill people though. Vampires can survive off any kind of blood, human or animal. We can eat normal food but it gives us no nutritional value. There are some of us who are evil in my eyes and like to kill people but a lot of us live off of animal blood. However since you are only half vampire you might be able to live off of blood or normal food."

Tears keep falling down my cheeks.

"I promise that I'll keep you safe. I'm not like the others. I don't want to hurt you. All you have to do is trust me and calm down."

He slowly starts to walk towards me and I just stand there shaking. Once he gets close to me he wraps his arms around me and let's me cry into his chest. I felt oddly safe in his arms. I felt like I could trust him.

I wake up at 9:00 and I feel dried tears covering my cheeks. I sigh and get up, walking to the bathroom. I look into the mirror and I make eye contact with my reflection. I see my duel colored eyes staring back at me. I have to admit that my eyes were pretty. However they reminded me about all the things I had gone through. It was good to have a reminder that way I'll never forget who I am but it's also very painful to remember all the things from my past.

I close my eyes and turn around. I turn the water on in the shower and strip from my clothes. I wash my body with vanilla scented body wash and my hair with rose scented shampoo and conditioner. I stand under the water letting it run down my body for a few minutes before turning it off and getting out. I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom with me so I wrap a towel around myself and let my hair hang down and drip dry.

I go to walk into my room but stop in the doorway, almost letting out a scream. I clutch the towel and wrap it tighter around myself. Yoongi was sitting on the edge of my bed facing the bathroom. He was leaning over with his arms resting on his legs. When I walked out he looked up at me through the hair that had fallen into his, now bright red, eyes and made eye contact with me. He tilted his head slightly to the right and looked deeper into my eyes. I felt like he was trying to look straight through me.

"What are you?"

Hello beautiful people!

I hope you guys are liking the story so far. I'm having a lot of fun writing it and I hope you are having just as much fun reading it.

Until next time my lovely little nightmares.


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