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The car ride home has been completely silent. Neither of us has said a word. I've been staring out the window and Yoongi has been focused on the road. I've been watching the people and the buildings pass by as we drive through the city. I've watched as the buildings have gotten smaller and further apart. I've watched as the slowly stopped showing up and all you could see were the trees. Normally I love silence but in this instance it was killing me. I feel like I'm suffocating. I close my eyes and take a deep breath letting it out long, slow. I open my eyes again and turn my head towards the man driving with his eyes glued in front of us.

"Thank you."

My voice came out a lot softer than I intended. It sounded almost like a whisper. Yoongi didn't seem fazed by my comment.

"You really saved me. Yet again."

I try to let out a laugh but all that comes out is a puff of air. I press my lips into a thin line and swallow the lump that's forming in my throat. He still hasn't said anything. He hasn't even spared me a glance.

"Why were you at the hospital?"

He still doesn't answer and I give up. I turn my attention back towards the window and resume watching the trees. After a few minutes we reach the house and he stops the car. We sit there for a moment before we take our seat-belts off. I try to open the door but before I can I hear a soft click. I turn towards Yoongi again and see that he locked the doors.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner."

My eyebrows knit together and I stare at him for a minute. He still hasn't looked at me. His eyes are focused on his hands that are laying in his lap.

"What do you mean?"

He looks up at me quickly and my eyes widen.

"I mean, I'm sorry that I was late! I wasn't there in time to stop them from doing that! They bit you and I couldn't stop them! I went to the hospital to check up on how things were going with the meeting. Plus I had this terrible feeling that something bad was going to happen. I was right. When I got there two of the men were outside waiting for the other two. I went up to Jin's office and you weren't there. When I found you... I was too late."

I sat there shocked. I'd never seen Yoongi act like this. It was kind of scary.

"But you saved me. That's all that matters. Right?"

"I didn't save you in time though. They still bit you."

I look down at my lap and we fall back into silence. He lets out a sigh and I hear another soft click. He unlocked the door.

"I'm sorry."

I shake my head before I open the door.

"Thank you."

I get out of the car and close the door before he can respond. I walk into the house and straight to my room. I close my door behind me and press my back against it. I slide down until I'm sitting on the floor. I bring my knees to my chest and hug them to me. I put my head down and let a few more tears fall. Then I clench my fists and my jaw and shake my head. I had to stay strong. I had to stop being weak. I lift my head and wipe the tears from my cheeks before I stand back up.

I walk into the bathroom and close the door. I strip from my dress and look at myself in the mirror. There was a light red mark on my neck. I cringe and turn away walking over to turn the shower on. I let the water get hot and step inside. It burns but I feel like it's washing away all the things that happened today. I wash myself like I normally do, with my vanilla body wash and my rose shampoo.

I get out of the shower and dry off my body. I towel dry my hair as best as possible and wrap a towel around my body and let my slightly damp hair hang around my shoulders. I walk out of the bathroom with my head down and walk to my bed. I look up and my eyes widen when I see a shirt laying on my bed. Then I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"I don't remember getting a shirt out."

I stare at it for a few moments before I shrug my shoulders. I let the towel fall from my body and put on a pair of black lace underwear before I slip the shirt over my head. I pull my hair out of the shirt and pull the shirts collar up to my nose. I take a breath in and close my eyes. It smelled good. It smelled familiar but I couldn't place my finger on where I remember smelling it.

I let go of the collar and let out a sigh before I pick the towel back up. I put it on a hook in the bathtub and walk back to my bed. I get under the covers and place my head on the pillow. I close my eyes and quickly drift to sleep. My body was exhausted.

I can't move. I can't see anything. I'm too scared to open my eyes. My neck hurts. My wrist hurts too. I can't run. I can't scream. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I scared.

"You taste so good."

I try to scream but yet again nothing comes out. I tell stop but no one can hear me. They don't stop. It still hurts. I can only mouth the words.




I jolt up into a sitting position in my bed and look around. I'm alone. It was just a nightmare. I'm covered in a cold sweat and there are tears staining my cheeks. I bring my knees up to my chest and tuck my head between them. That's when my door bursts open and I flinch. I look up until I can see who was there. It was Yoongi. He looked worried. He was looking left and right like he was trying to find someone. Then his eyes land on me and his expression softens.

He walks over to me and I watch his every move. He walks to the other side of the bed and sits down beside me. Neither of us say anything as he gets under the covers and lays down. He holds up the blanket with his right and and spreads his other arm out for me to lay on. All I do is stare at his before he sighs and brings his hand to my shoulder, pulling me until I'm laying down. He covers us with the blanket and pulls me impossibly closer to him and wraps his arms around me.

"Go back to sleep. You're safe. I won't let anything happen to you."

I close my eyes and push my face into his chest. I take a deep breath in and a small smile appears on my face. He smelled really good. I start to drift to sleep surrounded by warmth. It felt safe and I felt protected.

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