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It's been three days since I got shot. I'm all healed up now. There's only a little bit of soreness and a small bruise left. That will all go away by tomorrow. Everyone else has been doing good but we're all a little on edge. We don't know if anyone else if going to show up once they hear about what has happened. Jin had Hoseok and Namjoon stay at the house for the first day of my recovery because he didn't want it to be only me and Yoongi. It's also been three days since Jin told me who the other couples in the house were. After I found out I started to notice the bite marks on all of their necks. All the couples had them. This showed that they were mates.

Vampire mating and werewolf mating are very similar. For werewolves, the moon goddess picks a person for you to be mated with. You can just tell who they are when you meet them. The physical and mental pull towards that person is impossible to ignore. Every look, every touch, every word that comes from that person can start a fire in your heart. Everyone eventually finds their mate and when they do they have to mark them. That means that they have to bite them on the neck and lick it to help it heal faster. Once that it done a little tattoo-like mark will appear on that part of your neck and will be there forever. This symbolizes your love, trust, and loyalty to your mate.

For vampires, they get to choose their mate but when they do they mate for life. Once they choose, and the person they want to be mated to says yes, they mark them. Marking for vampires is different then it is for werewolves. When a vampire marks their mate they have to bite them on the neck but they don't lick the wound. The bite has to heal on its own so it will scar. When it has healed the bite mark is visible on the skin forever. Vampires do normally lick the wound so it will heal and there will be no trace of the bite. But when it comes to their mates, they don't. The mark shows love, trust, and loyalty just like a werewolves mark.

I'm happy for all of them. They all have someone to spend the rest of their lives with. I didn't get so lucky. I never found a mate while I was only a werewolf. When I got bitten all hope for that was shattered. Since I was no longer a werewolf I couldn't have a mate. The moon goddess chose someone else for the person I was destined to be with. I could feel the connection be severed the moment the vampires venom entered my bloodstream. Since then no one ever wanted to be my mate. No vampire I had met had chosen me and no werewolf would ever chose me over their real mate. I don't really mind though. I stopped hoping to find a mate a long time ago.

We're all currently sitting in the living room. Everyone had had something to eat and now we're all just relaxing. Normally I would go for a walk but it's raining outside. I don't mind the rain. I actually love it, but I don't want to get sick. Especially since I just got over being shot. We all decided to stay inside for today.

However I'm a little uncomfortable. Everyone is sitting with their mate and looking so happy while I'm sitting in awkward silence and Yoongi is asleep in his chair. Don't get me wrong. It's great that the have someone but it just reminds me that I don't, and that I probably never will, have a mate.

I decided that I didn't really want to be in there any longer so I told everyone that I was getting tired and left the room. I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually and it won't bother me anymore. But I'm not used to it yet and I want to get my mind off the subject of mates. 

I walked to the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea before going upstairs. I went into my library and sat in the window seat. I have grown quite fond of this spot. I take a look outside at the rain falling from the clouds before picking up the book I was currently reading. It was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I was almost done with it now. It would only take me about an hour to finish it.

I soon finished the last few chapters in the book along with my tea. I got up and put the book on the desk next to the others that I had already read. There were six books piled on the desk now that I set it down. I had read The Wind in the Willows, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Book Thief, A Wrinkle in Time, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. They were all American books. That's all that seemed to fill the shelves in this room. There must be other kinds of books somewhere else in the house. I don't mind though since I know English and these books are interesting.

I plan to finish reading all the books on one shelf then put them back and go to the next. I set my cup on the desk as well and turned off the lamp before going back to my spot in the window. It was so peaceful and quiet that I found myself drifting to sleep. The dim moonlight, the wind whistling outside, and the sound of rain pattering against the window lulled me into a deep slumber.

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