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We both stand there staring at a certain blonde haired man. Neither of us could speak. He had seen me. We stood there in silence for what seemed like hours when in reality it has only been a minute or two. Jin was the first to speak, cutting through the silence like a knife.

"We can explain."

Yoongi only stared. He didn't say anything but that made everything worse. Jin turned around to look at me and his expression turned sad but he still looked serious.

"Y/n, I think it's time to tell them."

I stare at him unable to respond. That's when Yoongi decided to speak.

"I don't really think you have a choice. You both have a lot of explaining to do."

We both turn to look at him and Jin nods. He turns back to me and gives me a sad smile. He grabs my hand and we all go back to the house. We walk into the living room and the rest of the guys all look up at us. Namjoon stands up and walks over while Yoongi sits down in the chair he was in when I first met him.

"What's with the long faces? Did you guys find out where that howl came from."

Jin looks over at me out of the corner of his eye. My eyes were cast down at the floor. I couldn't look at anyone. Jin then puts his hand on Namjoons shoulder.

"You should sit down. Y/n and I have something to tell you."

Namjoon looks hesitant but does what Jin told him. Jin grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"Y/n isn't my real sister. She technically isn't a vampire either. When I first saw her she was fighting a group of vampires...with her pack. All of her people and all of the vampires killed each other. She had been bitten and injected with venom but she managed to kill the one that bit her. When I found her she was laying on the ground, covered in blood, drifting in and out of consciousness. I brought her home with me but I wasn't sure if she was going to live. Her being a werewolf and the venom coursing through her veins, causing changes, sped up the healing process and she woke up the next day. She did pass out again but when she woke up I told her what happened. I said she could stay with me and she did. We became very close. Just like brother and sister. She left to travel around the world a few years before I met Namjoon as you all know."

The all just stared at us, at me. None of them said anything for the longest time. Until Namjoon spoke.

"Why didn't you tell us before?"

"Y/n made me promise that I wouldn't tell anybody. She was afraid of how people would react."

All of their eyes softened immediately. I couldn't see them properly because I was still looking down but I tilted my head up just enough to see there faces. I looked back down when no one else said anything. It was silent for a few moments before I heard shuffling and I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. I slowly look up and see Namjoon standing in front of me with a soft smile. My eyes widened and I looked around the room. Everyone, except Yoongi, we're giving me the same smile. I look up at Jin and he nods.

"I told you it would be alright."

A small smile adorns my face as I look around the room. Hoseok smiles wide at me.

"So you're like a hybrid? Can you still turn into a wolf? Do you drink blood or do you eat normal food? If you can still turn can we see your wolf? What's it like?"

"Wow wow Hobi calm down."

I look up at Jin as he scolds the younger man. I then look back at Hobi.

"Yes I guess I would be called a hybrid. I can turn into a wolf and you'll get to see it eventually. I can drink blood or eat normal food though I perfect food. At first it was hard for me to come to terms with being like this but I've gotten used to it."

They all make sounds of amazement and I smile shyly. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Yoongi staring at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He looked deep in thought. Jin noticed that he was silent this entire time.

"Yoongi what are you thinking?"

"Don't expect me to trust her. You know how I feel about wolves."

With that he got up and left. I heard Jin sigh and I turn around to look at him.

"I'm sorry about that. He doesn't have a very good past with werewolves. They killed his family. When he found them he was devastated. He sought out the wolves that did it but since he was human at the time he could do nothing about it. That's when he decided to have a vampire change him. He turned and killed the people who killed his family. He's hated werewolves ever since."

I look at the door that Yoongi had left through.

"That's awful. I would never do that to anyone."

"I'm sure he knows that but his wounds still run deep."

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