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After my awkward and steamy moment with Yoongi in my bathroom I sat in the hall to try and calm my heart along with the raging blush that had formed on my cheeks. I hadn't heard Yoongi try to open the door or leave. I didn't even hear him moving inside my room. I close my eyes and shake my head before I stand up, opening my eyes again, and walk down the hallway. I make it to the stairs before I hear my bedroom door open. My eyes widen and I quickly make my way downstairs.

When I make it to the last step I can hear voices coming from the kitchen. I could hear laughing and I couldn't help the small smile that crept onto my face. I walk to the kitchen and place my hand on the handle. I stand there for a few moments, just listening to the joy that came from the laughter inside, before I turn the handle and enter the kitchen. The laughter quiets but doesn't cease as they all turn to look at me. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung stood around the island with big smiles plastered on their faces. I had a small smile on my face but I couldn't seem to match theirs, even if I tried.

"Hey y/n!"

I smile at Jimin when he greets me and then at the other two as they follow. They all walk around the island and wrap my in a tight hug. I've never been much of a hugger but I know that, if I'm going to live with all of these men, I'll have to get used to it. I let out a groan after a few minutes and they let go of me. Each of them gives me a smile. Tae with his toothy box smile, Jungkook with an awkward bunny-like smile and his hand scratching the back of his neck, and Jimin with his shy eye smile.

I give them a small smile and a light laugh. But then I watch as their eyes zero in on my neck and their smile slowly turn into smirks. I smile drops and I see the three men I front of me exchange a look before Jungkook walks closer to me. My eyes follow his movements when he raises his hand to my chin and tilts my head up so my neck is more exposed.

"Looks like someone's been having fun."

I hear Jimin talk from my right and my eyes widen. My cheeks flush but only slightly. I push Jungkooks hand away from me and take a few steps back. I move my hair over my shoulder and hide my neck as much as possible. I look down at the floor and gulp.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh come on. We all saw the hickey on your neck."

I look up when I hear Tae talk. I swallow hard and my eyes shift to Jimin when he looks over at the other two.

"The only one of us that's always home is Yoongi. He's also the only single one. It must have been him."

My eyes widen and they all look at me and smirk again.

"That's not true. There's nothing going on."

Jungkook chuckles and gives me a lopsided smile.

"You don't have to hide this from us. We've all been waiting for the day when Yoongi would take interest in somebody. Plus it's obvious. We all see how you look at each other and now you have a huge bruise on your neck."

When they all started to talk about the mark on my neck my mind began to wander to what happened on the roof at the hospital. I could hear myself screaming. I could feel my neck and my wrist burn. I could feel tears stinging my eyes and clouding my vision. I could hear faint voices but I couldn't make out what they were saying. They sounded worried but all I could hear was myself screaming for them to stop. For them to leave me alone.

I soon realized that the tears were real and I was actually screaming. But my neck and wrists still burned and my vision started to go dark. I could feel hands on my and I tried to fight them. Tried to get them off of me. I didn't know who it was. I was scared. I didn't want to go through that again. That last thing I remember is feeling like I was falling and then seeing three blurry but familiar faces appear in front of me. Then everything went black and I was cast into a world of silent darkness.

I scrunch my face up when I hear voices. They were whispered yells coming from somewhere in front of me. I knew the voices. I know who these people are but their names will not come to me. My eyelids still feel heavy but I force them open. When the lights hit my eyes I squint but then open them again. My vision is still fuzzy but I can make out the silhouettes of six people. Two of them were sitting and the other four were standing. One of them was facing the other three and seemed to be the one whisper yelling.

When my vision started to clear I began to recognize the men in the room. I was laying on one of the couches in the living room. Namjoon and Hoseok were the ones sitting on the other couch in the room. Jin was standing facing Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. Jin looked angry and sad at the same time. The three men he was looking at were all looking at the ground and seemed sad, surprised, and apologetic. Namjoon and Hoseok looked sad and concerned but said nothing.

"What were you thinking!?"

I could hear Jin's whispered shouts. Then I see Jimin raise his head slightly.

"We didn't know. You didn't tell us what happened to her."

"I didn't want to repeat what happened. It was hard enough on all of us the first time. I can't even imagine how it effected y/n."

I swallow the lump that had formed in my throat and continue to watch as Namjoon gets up from his seat and walks over to his husband, placing his hand on Jin's shoulder.

"We all know that it was hard for everyone especially y/n, but we should have told them so this wouldn't have happened."

Jin looks at Namjoon and lets out a sigh.

"You're right."

Namjoon gives the other men a soft smile and I decide to get up and let them know that I'm awake. I slowly sit up and let out a small groan. All of their heads snap in my direction and before I know it I being wrapped in a tight hug. I can't tell who it was until he started talking though.

"I'm so sorry y/n. We didn't know. It won't happen again. I promise."

I let a small smile come across my face when I hear Taehyungs voice in my ear. I gently wrap my arms around him and pat his back.

"It's alright Tae. I understand."

After I say that Jungkook and Jimin join Taehyung in hugging me. I let out a small grunt when they started to get too tight and I wanted to be let go. They do the same thing as before and give me small smiles. I stand up and then Jin hugs me. I sigh and hug him back before pulling away.

"I'm ok. I promise. I'm just tired. I lost a lot of blood and I need to rest some more."

They all nod and I give them one last smile before I leave the room. When I get into the hall I lean again one of the walls and close my eyes letting out a soft sigh. I then open my eyes again, pushing off the wall, and make my way upstairs. I walk down the hallway and up to my bedroom door. I gently place my hand on the handle but don't open the door. I turn my head and look at the door across the hall. I stare at it for a minute before I shake my head and turn back around, opening my door, and walking into my room. I gently close the door behind me and walk in with my head down. I immediately stop when I hear soft, quiet snores. I slowly lift my head only to see Yoongi fast asleep on my bed.

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