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I stand there staring at the men in front of me for a few moments before I quickly try to close the door. Before I could get it closed the door was swung open and I was knocked to the floor. Two of the men came in and dragged me outside where I was surrounded by all eight of them. They stood in a circle around me with big smirks on their faces. I looked up at them through the strands of hair that had fallen into my face.

"What do you want?"

My voice was barely above a whisper. I heard a deep chuckle before I felt a strong grip on my hair and my head was pulled back.

"All we want is for you to sit there and take what's coming to you."

All of them let out a laugh and I was thrown back down. My head smacked against the ground and I let out a groan. I could feel blood trickle down my forehead but I wasn't too worried about it. It would heal within a few minutes. I look back up at them and growl.

"Like I'm really going to do that."

Before any of them could so much as blink I had shifted. I walked in a circle looking at all of them.

"Bad idea missy."

They all shifted too. I was now surrounded by a mix of brown and black wolves. I get into a fighting position while they do the same. Before I can attack I am knocked to the side and have one of them biting into my stomach. I let out a howl and kick him off of me before I get back up. I lunge and bite into his neck killing him instantly. But I'm quickly knocked back down and have one of them attached to my back leg. I kick him in the head and he lets go. That's when Yoongi gets out here and let's out a deep growl. We all stop and look in his direction but that didn't last long.

One of them knocks me down yet again and two of them go after Yoongi. I can hear barks and growls followed by whimpers. I kick the wolf off of me and claw at his stomach before biting his neck just like I did to the last one. I look over to Yoongi and see that he's killed the two wolves that went after him and currently has another one in a choke hold. He hears it's neck snap and he goes to take care of another one as one of the others jumps on my back and bites the back of my neck.

I howl and roll onto my back causing him to let go of me and whimper. I quickly get up and claw his stomach and neck. I bit into this ones neck as well and feel it collapse under the force of my jaws. I look over and see that Yoongi it wrestling with one of the wolves. I can see six corpses and the one on Yoongi but one of them was missing. I hear a a chuckle come from behind me and turn around. I see the last one standing a few feet away from me. He had shifted back and was now aiming a gun at me. I can hear Yoongi snap the neck of the wolf he was fighting but I was more concerned with the man standing in front of me.

I can hear fast footsteps coming up behind me. The man I was looking at smirks wide and fires the gun before his is tackled and killed by Yoongi. I let out a loud howl and fall to the ground. The bullet had hit my left rib cage. It was lodged in my abdomen and it burned. It was a searing white pain. Silver. I let out another howl and a few whimpers. I shift back and curl into a ball as Yoongi gets to my side. He kneels down beside me and takes off his jacket to cover me up. He sits me up and I scream. He wraps the jacket around my shoulders and looks worried.

"Where is it?"

I let out a few more whimpers and try to put pressure on the bullet hole. He sees where the bullet hit me and helps me put pressure on it.


I can feel tears running down my cheeks. Yoongis eyes widen.

"Ok this is going to hurt like hell but you need help."

He carefully puts one of his hands under my knees and the other under my neck and picks me up bridal style. I scream again and his face hardens.

"I know. I know. Just keep pressure on it."

He quickly makes his way to his car with me in his arms. He opens the door and gently places me in the passenger seat. He closed the door and runs to the other side of the car and gets in. He starts the engine and starts driving. He uses the in car phone and calls Jin. It rings a few times before we hear Jin's voice on the other end. Well I can only partially hear him. I'm fading in and out of consciousness.

"Yoongi? What is it? Did something happen?"

"Y/n got shot. It's a silver bullet and it's lodged in the left side of her abdomen. We'll be there in a few minutes."

With that he ended the call. He kept looking over at me with a hard but worried expression. He took a deep breath and gulped. His was laser focused on getting us to the hospital. I was getting very weak so it was becoming hard to keep pressure on the wound. I kept letting out whimpers and I was still crying. Silver hurt like hell. It burned.

When we pulled up to the hospital I had lost a lot of blood. Yoongi quickly got out of the car and ran to the passengers side. He opened the door and carefully but quickly picked me up. He rushed into the hospital and ignored all of the worried nurses that where trying to see what was wrong and help us. He seemed to know where he was going. Yoongi carried me through a set of doors and I could faintly see Jin. He looked worried but focused.

"Put her on the bed. Quickly."

Yoongi did as he was told and carefully put me on the bed. He covered my lower half with a blanket and put his jacket over my top half, leaving my stomach exposed. Jin put on some surgical gloves and a face mask and looked at me with sadness and concern in his eyes.

"Y/n I'm going to need to to take a deep breath and brace yourself. This is going to hurt but I need to get the bullet out."

My eyes widen but I take a deep breath as instructed. Jin gulps and starts his work. I let out a scream and try to get away from the pain.

"Shit. I need her to stay still and calm down. Yoongi you have to do something. This bullet needs to come out so she can heal."

Yoongi nods and grabs my hand as Jin gets back to work. I let out another scream.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. You're going to be alright. Calm down. This will be over soon."

I try to do what he's telling me but the pain it too much. I scream again and try to move away again. I grip Yoongis hand as well as the side of the bed. I'm sure that my knuckles had turned white.


I could hear Yoongi mutter under his breath as a let out another scream. My eyes were shut tight and my teeth were clenched. All I could feel was pain. But then it all went away. My eyes shot open and my body tensed. I could no longer feel any pain. All I could feel was the warmth on my lips. It was Yoongi. He was kissing me.

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