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I stand frozen in my spot near the door. My eyes are wide as I stare at the man laying on my bed. I was too scared to even breath. He was laying on his back under the blankets. The moon was shining on his face through my window. It made his hair look like it was made of starlight. He looked like he was glowing. He looked almost like an angel. I scrunch my eyebrows together and shake my head, trying to get the thought out of my head.

I eyes widen again and I take in a deep breath when he lets out a soft grunt and rolls onto his side, facing me. I close my eyes and slowly let out my breath when I notice that he was still asleep. When I open my eyes again I quietly start to make my way towards my bed. I slowly lean over my bed and towards his face.

His skin was so pale that it looked almost white, like snow, and had no imperfections. He looked so relaxed and calm. His hair fell over his closed eyes and his eyelashes gently brushed against the tops his cheeks. I watched as his eyes moved under his eyelids and his jaw gently clenched and I clenched every once in a while. His lips were slightly parted and I could see his chest slowly move due to his quiet, gently breathing. He also let out a few soft snores.

I was so lost in thought and too busy staring at him to realize that he had stopped snoring. Once I did realize, it was too late. His arm shot up from where it was laying across his side and stomach and grabbed my arm. I was quickly pulled onto the bed and pushed so I was laying on my back. Yoongi was propped up on his left elbow and had his right hand pressed against the bed, trapping me. He stared down at me and all I could think to do was stare back. I could feel heat creep up and spread across my cheeks. I was blushing way too much recently. He smirked and tilted his head slightly.

"You know, it's rude to stare."

My eyes widen and I gulp. He had been awake the entire time.

"I-I wasn't staring. I was getting ready to push you off of my bed."

He smirks widen and lifts one of his eyebrows.

"Is that so?"

I can only nod.

"Whatever you say, but it looked like staring to me."

He closed his eyes and I held my breath as he laid back down on his side. His right arm was left draped over my waist and his hand gently gripped my hip. He tucked his other arm under the pillow his head was laying on.

"W-what are you doing?"


"Then let me go and go sleep in your own room, in your own bed."

"You're bed is more comfortable. Now shut up."

I scrunched my eyebrows together and started to wiggle around, trying to free myself. I let out a few grunts and tried to push his arm off of me. That didn't go too well though. He let out an annoyed sigh and pulled me closer, causing me to turn on my side and face him. My face was in front of his chest and my arms are pinned, uncomfortably, by my sides. He snaked his arm all the way around my waist and slid his hand under me, holding my hip and making sure I stayed in place.

"Stop moving."

I let out a sigh of frustration and clenched my jaw.

"I'd stop if you'd let me go. Plus this is uncomfortable."

I glare up at his face and he opens his eyes. He stares at me for a few moments before he unwraps his arm from my waist. I sigh in relief and move my arms. I start to get off the bed but then I'm pulled back down. I gasp and expect to fall back on the bed but I don't. I fall on top of Yoongi and he wraps both of his arms around me. My head landed in the crook of his neck and our legs tangled together. I let out a loud puff of air and look up at the part of his face that I can see. His eyes are closed again.

"I told you to let me go!"

"And I told you to shut up and stop moving."

I roll my eyes and mock him quietly to myself. Then I let out a quiet yawn and feel my eyelids start to droop. I didn't notice how tired I actually was. It was getting harder to stay awake. As much as I hate to admit it he was really comfortable and surprisingly warm. We didn't have a blanket over us but I was fine. I could hear his gently heartbeat thrumming in my ears. That along with his soft breathing was really calming. I slowly rose and fell with his chest as he breathed. My eyelids became too heavy to keep open and I eventually closed them.

I hadn't even realized that I had fallen asleep until I felt the sun hit my eyes. I tried to roll over but something was prevented me from moving. I turned my head and opened my eyes, only to be met by pale white skin. My eyes widened and I lifted my head as much as possible. I was now staring at Yoongis sleeping face. I held my breath and started to slowly wiggle, trying to loosen his grip on me.

I immediately freeze when he grunts and tightens his grip. I close my eyes and scrunch my eyebrows together hoping he didn't wake up. I opened my eyes a few moments later when I was sure that he was still asleep. I slowly looked around, trying to see if there was anything that could help me. I let a hard breath out of my nose when I see nothing. I was starting to lose hope and was about to wake him up when I head a knock and my bedroom door opened.

"Hey y/n, Jin sent me up here to bring you down for..."

I recognized the voice as Jimins and turn my head. He was standing in the doorway staring at us. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

"Please help me. He won't let go and every time I move he tightens his arms."

Jimin chuckles and shakes his head before walking over to the bed.

"Sorry, but I don't think I can help. He doesn't like to be woken up and I don't feel like dying today."

I closed my eyes and groaned.

"Jimin what's taking so long? Is she refusing to wake..."

My eyes shoot open and widen. I look up at Jimin and see him staring at the door with wide eyes. I gulp and slowly look towards the door. Jin was standing there glaring towards the bed.

"What's going on here?"

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