Daddy's Home

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13. Daddy's Home

Cassie's POV

As I laid down in my bed thinking, my mind was a hazy mess. Nothing was making sense and all I thought were bad things. I was genuinely concerned for my siblings. I'm like a worried mother expect I know the real dangers they could be facing.

I looked up at my ceiling and turned it into the night sky. As I laid there looking at the stars I felt peace, I felt hope. Maybe everything will be okay in the end. Maybe my family will be reunited again and I'll be happy once more.

The beautiful night sky reminded me of my mother. A smile crept on my face as I felt a familiar feeling. I know she's looking over me somewhere right now, I can feel it.


When I awoke I was in a new location. It smelt musty and like rotting wood. As my eyes adjusted I recognized where I was; the old abandoned warehouse. As I continued looking around, my eyes landed on my brothers and sisters bodies lying around me. Bruised and bloody. They looked lifeless.

In the blink of an eye my father appeared in front of me. My throat closed and my mouth went dry. My heart beat quickened and the air disappeared from my lungs. I began sobbing and crying. His blurred figure moved over to me and whispered in my ear causing chills to run up my back like a spider crawling on my skin. "My sweet sweet Cassie, it's been awhile has it not? I have big plans for this family of ours." I let out a scream he muffled with his hand. "Shh let them get their rest, they've been through a lot."

He moved his hand away and smirked walking in front of me. His hand grabbed my throat and I started choking. "Daddy's home my darling. It's time for the fun."


I kid you not I had to rewrite this 15 times from memory because it wouldn't update. I was so frustrated omg I almost threw myself off a bridge.

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