They're All Gone

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12. They're All Gone

Cassie's POV

I walked backwards into Adam and he held onto my waist. I looked up at him and I could see his eyebrows furrowed.

"Hello? Guys?" I called out into the quiet house.

When I received no answer I went to look upstairs. Everything was abandoned as if no one was ever here. I looked outside my window and saw a figure standing there starring up at me.

I quickly pushed Adam aside and ran out my door. Panic was taking over my body. I felt almost numb to the cold air surrounding me. I stood in front of my house searching everywhere for the figure. There wasn't anyone around. I saw Adam walk out the front door and make his way towards me.

"Let's so check and see if Diana is alright." Adam nodded his head and started walking to the car. He opened my door and I sat down inside. He started the car and off we went.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Daxton. It went to voicemail, so did Scarlet. I called Diana and I heard her screaming.

"Hello! Diana what happened?!" I said with a shaking voice.

All I could hear on the other line was screaming. It went silent for a few seconds before I heard heavy breathing.

"I'm back." A man's voice said then the line went dead.

I got frustrated and threw my phone at the dashboard.

"Shit." I covered my hands with my face and breathed out. I began to sob. My body was shaking out of fear and I could hardly breathe.

What's happening?

"Cassie what's wrong? What happened?" Adam asked in a shaky voice as well but he continued to drive.

"They're gone. They're all gone." I couldn't control myself and suddenly all the lights around us turned off and two cars were thrown into the air.

"CASSIE STOP!" Adam screamed and grabbed my hand but it was too late.

That's the last thing I heard before everything became dark.


Guys I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in forever. Please don't hate me! I've just been busy and I had writers block. I promise I did not abandon you guys! thanks for reading!

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