Blackwell Siblings

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10. Blackwell Siblings

Cassie's P.O.V

It was about 3 in the morning when I was tied up and carried away. No one heard my screams and no one came to save me.

"Shh it's alright we won't hurt you." A unfamiliar voice spoke.

A spark of pain was felt on my hand and I could make out the Blackwell symbol glowing in the darkness.

"What the hell?" I mumbled then my eyes shut.


I woke up in a different room. I wasn't tied up or anything which was strange because I had been kidnapped.

I got up and walked out of the room, there was a hallway with a staircase at the end. There was another room with the door open and I peaked through. There was a girl, Diana. I ran over and started waking her up.

"Diana, wake up!!" Diana opened her eyes and sat up abruptly.

"Where are we?" She asked with fear evident.

"I don't know, get up and come on."

Diana and I started walking down the stairs. We could see 4 people sitting on a sofa talking.

"Get them up. They deserve to know whats happening." A boy with a deep voice said.

Diana and I walked down the steps and walked over to them.

"Whats going on?" I spoke up after staring at them.

"Cassie, Diana, how nice of you two to join us. Let us introduce oursleves. I'm Scarlet." A beautiful girl said.

"I'm Chase." He smiled at us.

"I'm Daxton." He waved over at us and gave a small smile. He was kind of cute.

"And I am Shawn. I've waited for this moment for so long." He pulled me and Diana into hugs then sat back down.

"Really Shawn? Were supposed to make them as comftable as possible not creep them out." Daxton said with a laugh.

"I was just being friendly, they're probably freaking out."

"Ok what is going on?" Diana finally spoke up.

"Well Diana, we're your brothers and sisters." Shawn said before they all got up and held out their hands, showing their marks.

I looked down at my hand and traced it's marks. This is them? How did they find us? Wait, I just said my half brother was cute. Gross.

"We make a circle, the 6 of us." Daxton said.

"Oh and one more thing, Welcome Home." Scarlet said with a smile.

"I'm not making a circle with dark magic. Are you crazy? Thanks for your offer and all but I think it's time for Diana and I to go." I said rudely.

"OK but we aren't going to leave you two alone. After all you're family. We can move in with you Cassie, you have that emty house all to yourself theres plenty of room." Chase said smiling.

"No, I'm not bringing my child into this. You need to stay away." Diana said sharply making everyone's eyes turn to her.

"My big sister is pregnant!" Shawns eyes lit up and he was smiling again.

"You're way to chirpy." Diana said with a face of disgust.

"Trust me he's better this way, you don't want to see him mad." Scarlet said and patted Shawn's shoulder who just shrugged.

"Well we are a family so were staying together. What ever you say won't change our mind." Daxton said smirking.

"And trust us were nothing like our father." Chase added in.

"Maybe we should introduce them to the rest of the circle." I whispered to Diana.

"Fine. I guess you deserve a chance." She agreed.


Something seemed off about this. I imagined my siblings to be evil and destructive. Maybe their just nice to us because we're 'family'. What ever it is, I'll find out. That's a promise.

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