Im Done With The Circle

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1. I'm Done With The Circle

Cassie's P.O.V

It was late and Cassie wanted to get home and go to sleep as fast as possible. She had been feeling so alone lately. Everyone from the Circle had someone but Cassie and Adam. She knew that nothing would happen between them.

Even though she still loved him and craved for his comfort he felt nothing, he wasn't in love with her and the way he saw it was they were best friends, that's all.

As we all know the magic elixir didn't work on her, her dark magic was too strong. But Cassie couldn't help but think about Adams words before he drank it. "There is no elixir powerful enough to make me stop loving you, not for long." Cassie wanted it to be true so bad but she couldn't believe it.

She made her way home, she walked up to the door, went in her room, flew herself on her bed, and passed out.


Cassie woke up to her phone beeping, someone was calling her. She looked at the phone and the I.D. said Adam with a emoji heart.

"Hi." Cassie spoke softly.

"Hey Cassie, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later with me, Faye, and Jake." Adam's voice came out calm and relaxed.

"Sure! See you then, bye I lo-" Cassie cut herself off. She was about to tell Adam she loved him. Oh gosh please tell me he didn't catch on!

"What?" Adam's voice turned to confused and Cassie cleared her throat.

"Oh I was going to say I looked in my Book Of Shadows and saw something interesting. Never mind though, bye."

"Bye." Cassie hung up and let out a sigh.

Thank God!

Cassie texted Diana saying she missed her and asked if she was coming back. Diana quickly replied: I miss you too Cassie, but I'm not coming back anytime soon, Im Done With The Circle.

Cassie did feel sad but she had plans with Adam, Faye, and Jake. She was hopeful they would cheer her up. Due to the fact her and Faye were becoming friends and her and Adam talked and were still close friends.

Cassie put on mascara and eyeliner with light eyeshadow. Then put on skinny jeans, a tank top, combat boots, and her leather jacket. The material was cool giving her small goosebumps.

Cassie arrived and gave Adam a hug, she was loving every second of it. She walked over to Faye and gave her a hug and gave Jake a short awkward hug. Cassie soon started to dislike Jake and started to remember everything he lied about and how he tried breaking up Adam and Cassie. If it wasn't for him they might still be together.

The group sat down and talked while eating food. Cassie made a joke which they all laughed at she stared at Adam's smile and it made her heart melt. How am I supposed to get over him she asked herself.


Cassie was looking into her family's "curse" on the Blake's and Conant's but never found a thing. She asked all the parents that new about her magic and not a single one could recall a curse. She asked Ms. Chamberlain (Faye's Mom) about it she said: "Your father was very heartbroken about Amelia and Ethan.  Maybe he made it up so you and Adam couldn't be together so you could feel the pain. Because other than that, there is no reason you two wouldn't be together."

Cassie immediately realized there was no curse. Cassie felt a bubble of anger and let out a shriek. She couldn't believe her father would do that to her. She officially wished he had never came back to Chance Harbor.

Adam's P.O.V

Adam got to the boathouse and looked at the crystal skull, he put his hands on it and it felt so powerful and dark. He removed his hands from the skull with a rush of energy. That isn't all he felt, he felt love, love for someone who he knew would never love him again.

He felt in pain after he realized that they would never be together again. He needed to forget about his love for her but he couldn't stop thinking about it. It felt like months of love that was hidden went to his heart. It felt as if his chest was stabbed with a knife and everything was flooding into his body all at once.

He needed to figure out what happened and how to get his girl back.


Who does Adam love again? Could it be Diana who was in love with Grant?

Could he like Melissa with his one time dance at prom?

Could it be Cassie his written in the stars yet forbidden relationship?

Or could it be an unknown girl he had a relationship with?

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