Trapped Inside the Brightest Flame.

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17. Trapped Inside the Brightest Flame

You never really know what it's like for something to happen until it finally happens. Your mind comes up with so many scenarios but yet it's still never exactly what happens. You always miss at least one thing no matter how accurate you are.

Also no matter what you always come up with these situations. You can't really help it. But eventually you find yourself thinking either likely situations or something totally unrealistic.

Another thing is, there is so much we don't expect to happen. So much things that just hit you like a tsunami and give you the option to let it take you or swim to fight it. No matter how difficult or easy the unexpected situation is, that doesn't stop it from happening.

It's just how life is and we have no other option but to accept it.

So when I laid there in the hospital bed hearing the familiar beeping and talking from outside the halls I imagined I knew everything about to happen. Eventually I'd be good to go home and they would send me on my way, everything resuming and I would be fighting all this magic again.

Everything so far was going as planned so I figured I'd be good to leave soon.

My thoughts got wrapped up into each other until there was a loud commotion happening outside. People were yelling but my body felt paralyzed.

This is so unlikely. Nothing like this would ever happen in real life. But oh wait, neither is finding out you're a witch.

Right in front of me, unfolding before my eyes, was a fierce blazing fire. Nothing like I'd ever seen or felt. My body felt as if I was burning from the inside and it was slowly rising towards the surface of my skin. I looked down and my skin was scorching red and bubbling.

But to top it all off standing right in the middle of the brightest flame was Adam. Trapped. He was screaming for me, yelling for me to save him. His face was melting. Fractions of his skin peeled off and dropped to the floor one by one until he was nothing but ashes.

So much I knew I could do but I was still paralyzed. My magic forcefully fizzed under my skin. It was basically kicking for a way out to the point it was hurting. I wanted to reach out, I wanted to scream, I wanted to run. Yet, all I could was wait in my hospital bed for the fire to devour me.

"I thought when I said I'd never leave you, you meant it too."

Sorry about the 15 year update. My life has been pretty hectic! Anyway thank you for all the lovely support. I love you guys so much! And trust me I read every single comment I get rather I respond or not! So if you think I don't see your comments or you decide not to because you think I won't see it I promise I do. Literally thank you guys for all of this. Sadly though we are almost at the end of this book! I know I know very scary. But if you guys have any questions feel free to comment them or private message me! Thank you again! Xoxo love-is-lovely

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