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5. Waiting

Cassie's POV

I sat next to Adam and held his hand. I couldn't move. Seeing him lie there motionless broke my heart.

The one person I had left who truly loved me was laying on a hospital bed motionless. I've been by his side the past 3 days waiting for him to wake up. The doctor said he should wake up anytime, but he still hasn't moved. The only thing moving is his chest so I can see he is still alive and breathing.

The little amount of sleep I get is ruined by nightmares. They wake me up and leave me breathing heavily, shaking, and sweating. Most of them are of my father taking Adam.

I haven't changed out of my clothes and I haven't showered. Faye is bringing me some new clothes this afternoon. I feel terribly disgusting.

Oh and to top it off, Melissa isn't answering anyone. We all called but kept getting voicemail. Just more things to add on my list of worries.

List Of Worries: 1. Adam 2. My Father 3. How the hell my father is alive right now 4. The other Blackwell siblings 5.Diana 6. Melissa


I could fell my eyelids getting heavy and so I curled into a ball on the hospital chair and fell sleep. I woke up when I felt someone shake me. I hoped it was Adam but I opened my eyes and saw Faye.

"Here, I think its about time you took a shower."

"Thanks" I took the clothes from Faye and walked to the bathroom.

Faye's POV

I sat on the chair Cassie was just sleeping on and turned to Adam.

"Adam please wake up soon. Cassie needs you, I've never seen her look so scared. She really needs you, she loves you."A tear fell down my cheek.

No matter how mean I act I care about everyone in the circle. If any of them get hurt it affects me more than I show. They are my family.

Cassie's POV

I stood there watching Faye, I was shocked. I never knew Faye cared so much. She was sitting there crying. She looked so impacted but this.

I walked up to her and hugged her trying to clam her down.

"Cassie how are you so strong? I haven't seen you cry about Adam yet." She gave me a soft smile then answered.

"Faye I've been crying for the 3 days Adam's been in here. It hurts, my heart hurts. I just want him to wake up."

By now me and Faye were bawling. I don't know how much longer I can take without Adam talking to me.


I pulled away from Faye and wiped my eyes. That sounded like Adam. I looked at him and saw him moving his hand. I grabbed it and squeezed, I felt him squeeze back. Slowly his eyes opened.

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