Not Goodbye.

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Hey guys! This isn't an update because as you're aware my book is over, this is just something I want to address.

I started this book September 2nd in 2013 and it is now July 11, 2016. At 6:06AM I uploaded the first chapter and at 10:20AM I sadly uploaded the last. Both sleepless nights with long days a head of me. But, let me give you some insight on the day this book came to be.

That was my first day of school and I didn't sleep at all. I was going into 7th grade and I was 12 years old. I stayed awake all night debating on if I wanted to start a book or not. I was so inexperienced but it seemed like a good idea and I had the whole book planned out. Now, at almost 16 years old, this book is something I would have never expected. The ending I originally planned has completely slipped my mind and I entirely made the story up as I went. I would have never imagined that this book would get so many reads either. I remember the day my book got 1K reads. I woke up for school and started crying because I felt so proud of myself. A few of my friends congratulated me and I was just starstruck. But, that is nothing compared to where you all have helped me get to now and for that I am truly, so tremendously thankful.

Seeing you guys always commenting to update or giving compliments on this book made me so unbelievably happy. But the thing is, I wasn't always happy and I hit some rough spots in life. Besides that, even though I had everything planned out in this book, I had no idea what to write anymore for fillers. I would still update, clearly, but it was super tough coming up with new ideas. Also, I have sadly decided on not continuing with a season 3. I would love to in all honesty, I just have no ideas.

I always hoped you guys were patient and not thinking I was abandoning you in anyway. I was always thinking of new plot twist or endings and it's been tough but nothing I couldn't handle. I just went through a major's writers block which makes me feel so fucking bad for just leaving you all hanging.

I'm struggling with just ending this book to be truthful. I want it all to go on forever (seems like it already did though I mean almost 3 long years of pure shit). But, I can't and I hope this ending isn't something I'll come to regret later in life. Who knows, maybe next year I'll spill the beans that I completed a whole season 3 of this and it'll be posted shortly.

This may not even be a remarkably good season 2 for me but i'm just hoping you all enjoyed it.

I want you all to know that this book gave me responsibility and made me more mature which I'm grateful for. I walked into this thinking it was going to be so simple but I walked out realizing that it was a task. But a task I completed with the help of all of you.

Just thank you guys so much for all of this. I couldn't ask for anything more.

And for the last time on Season 2 of TSC:

I hope you guys enjoyed this book even though I'm sure there are tons of grammar mistakes and terrible writing. Feel free to comment because I read every single one of them, even when I wouldn't update or respond, I see you booboo. I hope you guys enjoyed this long, stretched out journey as much as I did. Thank you all so much for reading and putting up with my 7228 year long updates (i'm sorry for that it was so shitty of me) and thank you for being such great, lovely people. I owe it all to you.

All the love, Kait.

p.s. in case you were wondering, i may be crying.

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