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⤚ The Corpse ⤙

Deputy Lain

KEIKO was not the most pleased with the body they had gifted her. Having spent time in the other realm nothing more than a spirit she had been excited upon realizing her and her love were going to be resurrected.

Keiko was very displeased upon realizing she wasn't getting the alive body. While her love got the body of a kitsune stripped of it's spirit she was stuck with a corpse. Something that was beginning to rot. Sure her nogitsune spirit slowed it, but she still felt it. . . and smelt it.

But she dared not to complain in front of Daiki or the others. She knew she was lucky enough to have even been resurrected and given a second chance. She still could remember her death vividly and it haunted her dreams when they slept in the murder barn.

The sharp teeth of the vengeful she-wolf desiring blood for the execution of her mate. Keiki underestimated the bond and it cost her life. She still could remember the hell her body went through being torn apart by the werewolf virus as the spirit of hers fought before the virus and spirit destroyed her body.

How long ago had that been? She could not recall it, she also didn't recall the tiny magical bricks the people used now as well. But she was more than happy to be alive and not in the realm of the dead. A fierce some place for sure.

But she resided in a corpse. She could feel the stab wounds done by the sharp katana of Daiki with each movement, but she managed. But the stench of the rot was what got to her. Yet her love never cared, he still took her whenever he wanted, showing his undying love.

She was more than jealous of his body. His body was the former one of a celestial kitsune spirit. The spirit ripped out and destroyed leaving the mind open for a spirit. His body could handle a lot more than hers could for sure especially since his wasn't falling apart.

Hers was like a rag doll bound by threats that withered. And Keiko knew she needed to convince Daiki her spirit should be moved into a real body. The full moon would approach once more giving them the chance to rise more of the fallen nogitsune from the other side.

And they had done more than enough of a job capturing a few people to use as live hosts. It was the first time since her love's body they used a live one. But they were now using a human host this time, one who had never had a spirit within them.

Once upon a time they're spirits would possess human bodies, but now they had bodies meant for them. Possession was rarely done, only manipulation, until now as the ritual was found. The rift in the dead and living on a full moon allowing their spirits to pass through once more.

Some humans let them in. But humans now a days didn't even believe in them. So they had kidnapped the best in Daiki's eyes. The ones he deemed would be able to handle a spirit. Because there was no guarantee that they would, they were trying and going out on a leg here.

The corpse worked because Keiko had nothing to fight to take over. But not all humans minds can handle a nogitsune spirit in their mind. It could drive them mad and kill the bodies. And they had to have a physically or mentally strong mind, both was preferred though.

But Keiko knew she had to convince Daiki to get her an alive body. There was four alive bodies that they had. Two women and two men. One of the girls was a genius with a strong mind, yet weak and easy to breach. They made sure of it for sure.

Daiki had crawled all over her mind making her do things she never would of done before. They even let Keiko try due to Keiko's lack of experience in that. And it worked. She was an easy breach and their spirits could slip in like a rat through a crack in the wall.

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