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Powers of the Kitsune


THE thought of having a kitsune---- fox spirit inside me thrilled me. But I was the kitsune, the human body. And having seen Akiya's spirit flare up to defend itself thrilled me even more so than before.

His sparked in response before attacking Storm with lightening tossing Storm back. It was memorizing and I couldn't wait to see mine. Akiya and I were sitting at the dinner table eating with my mother who had made a typical Japanese dinner that we had got since we could eat solid food.

Tonight was a Japanese-style fish dinner. With a salmon fillet and rice as well as chopped scallions. It was delicious like usual. I happily cut up the salmon as Akiya glanced at me every now and then as mom watched us with a bit of a smile on her face.

"Did you two have fun at school today?" My mom asked and we nodded. "Storm took us out to train." I said with a bit of a smile. "Train?" Mom asked and I nodded. "To test out our kitsune skills, she wanted to see what we could do." I told her with a smile.

"Akiya's spirit flared out for a moment and attacked Storm." I said with a smile before giving Akiya a hug. His cheeks turned a bit red at that as he went back to eating. "Oh the spirit did, what happened?" Mom asked with curiosity on her face.

"Electricity, it was like lightening circled his body, it was epic." I said with a grin as Akiya turned away in a bit of embarrassment. He defiantly wasn't used to attention the way I was. Akiya and I may be twins but we were defiantly polar opposites hands down.

Where Akiya, was shy, reserved, and extremely intelligent, I was outgoing, social, and moderate smarts. Akiya was the mostly straight A student, the one you'll see buried in books studying, minus the glasses of course. Akiya wore no glasses, or nerdy clothes. He just wore his skinny jeans and t-shirts that mom bought him.

"Interesting." Mom said as she took a bite of her cut up salmon. I nodded at that with a bit of a smile on my face. "Will I have electricity?" I asked a bit excited at the thought of my kitsune spirit rearing up to show off just a bit.

"No." My mom said. Akiya gave me a sad smile. "Your not a thunder kitsune, Akiya is a thunder kitsune." My mom said. "There is different types of kitsunes?" I asked and my mom nodded. "Yes, there is thirteen different types of kitsunes." My mom said and my eyes widened as did Akiya's.

"What kind?" Akiya asked before I could. "Thunder, celestial slash heavenly, ocean, earth, fire, wind, forest, mountain, music, river, time, spirit, and void." Mom said and Akiya and I shared the same excited look in our eyes with a big grin on our face. All of this information we were receiving.

It seemed that mom would be the best person to go for kitsune information. "I can see what most powers are, except music and void." I said. "Music kitsunes are sort of like siren legends, they can manipulate sound." Mom said and we both nodded at that.

"And void, what's that, I get the music but not void." Akiya said. Mom went silent at that and we both shared a look. When Akiya spoke of void kitsune she went pretty tense. As if it was a subject that she had no desire to talk about, but we wanted to know now.

"Void, also known as nogistune. They're dark kitsunes. Most aren't referred to as kitsunes but more as nogistunes as of now. They're is two type, malevolent and mischievous ones. They feed on chaos, and destruction. Whether it be through war or simple mischief pranks and sending people down spiraling paths of doom." Mom said.

"H-Have you ever met a nogistune before?" I asked. Mom went silent. "A few." Was all she gave up. "If you two ever meet one, I suggest you run as fast as you can. They aren't kind and will play tricks or attack their own kind." Mom said. "Or worse." She added.

Twin Kitsunes: The NogistuneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz