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⤚ Making it Work  ⤙


THE day of the full moon was the most stressful one yet. Mom was working late nights again, she wouldn't be home until 3 in the morning since the security needed her there. It was the only good thing from it.

Storm was just. . . a storm of anger pun intended. Aki was tense and we defiantly weren't masters with the katana. Far from it. But we could now hold it without shaking in our pants or dropping it when we swung it, so that counted for sure.

Mom suspected nothing and we kept it that way and smiled when she was here. Mom had the night shift. While she was out working she expected us to be in our beds asleep, but it was a far cry from the truth. A normal teen would be in their bed sleeping at midnight.

Or maybe up partying. Although there hadn't been a party in Willow since the nogitsunes had come. Tonight we'd be at the barn, the place we had avoided and promised our mother to stay away from. But that promise was broken, we couldn't keep it anymore with what was going on.

Each hour was painful, it was a weekend that the full moon fell on. It was spent in bed watching videos of how to use the katana and eating some food to make sure we remained strong and ready for when the full moon was upon us.

Midnight. When the clock struck midnight we had to be there. Storm said they had that one minute of it being midnight to get a spirit or maybe a few through so we had to plan this right. Storm wasn't joining us in the car though, she agreed to meet us there.

A werewolf on a full moon in a small moving vehicle was defiantly not something Aki and I wanted to experience. So Storm said she would go on foot which we were all fine with at this point in time. Whatever made this easier to pass and get on with.

Aki had put together something to strap the katanas to our backs so we weren't running around with them hitting our legs. Or in our hands. It was positioned so that we could just reach behind and take out the katana to defend ourselves. Now to praying we could do it right and not injure ourselves.

When 11:30 read in big letters on my phone Aki came in with the keys to the civic. "You ready to go?" Aki asked and I nodded. In his hands were out katanas and I was a bit nervous. But it's not like we did this on the regular.

Anxiety wasn't a feeling I was familiar with until today. Aki and I stepped outside into the cool crisp autumn air before we were heading down the stone path to his blue civic and stepping into it and putting the katanas in the back before pulling out.

The moon shined bright in the sky as Aki looked over at me the night lit by the moon and the headlights of Aki's car. "You ready?" Aki asked and I looked at him biting my lip. "Ready as I'll ever be." I told him. And with that he hit the gas pedal and off into the night we were.


The biggest advantage we had on them was surprise. So Aki parked away from the barn before we attached the katanas to our back and then we were on foot. I was nervous as we moved quietly our Converse tapping against the cement.

I'm not sure what I expected for a ritual. Maybe big fires burning like they were worshipping Satan, robes maybe. But it looked normal as we went to the barn. It was normal and quiet with ahead of us being the only things out there. Save for the nogitsunes moving around.

Just as we rounded the barn a hand went over both of our mouths and yanked us back muffling a scream. "Quiet! It's me." Storm hushed us in a low tone. "Warning?" Aki asked in a low voice and Storm made an eye motion towards the barn and we slowly crept forward before dropping.

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