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⤚ Knowing a Secret ⤙


SECRETS could eat at you when you know they're important. With Araya as my twin we rarely kept secrets between each other. Recently lots of twin grew separate once they hit middle school and high school and people found entertainment by setting them against each other.

But that never happened with Araya and I. Since we were kids the two of us had been tight, we had been each others best friend. And it had always been that way. The only friends we had was each other until eighth grade when Storm came.

I would be honest, when I first met Storm I hated her. Storm in eighth grade was different from Storm in her sophomore year. Storm was a bitch in eighth grade and she knew it and wore it proudly. The bitchy new girl who wanted zero friends.

Araya however liked her. Storm on the other hand didn't and did her best to get Araya, but when Storm gave in and began hanging out with Araya I was jealous. To this day I'm not sure what more, jealous that Araya had a friend besides me or jealous because I never got one.

Even to this day I found no use in anyone from school. Storm was the only person I ever found use in and that was because of the fact Araya liked her. So I dialed back who much I disliked her. But she found a way to get under my skin with ease.

Storm had always been a bit. .  out there. From the moment she met Araya and then hit it off she called her Ara. It was annoying to me but Araya found it cute. And it didn't take long after for Storm to produce a nickname for me.

Aki. I hated that name so much but Storm never listened and constantly called me Aki. To this day I still corrected her on it reminding her of my actual name; Akiya. But other than Storm Araya and I never had someone outside of our family to consider a friend.

And our family was small. It consisted of Araya and mom. Our dad, whoever he was never visited and mom never talked of him. This left us with nothing of our dad as she refused to speak of him. Was he a cheater, did he not want kids? We never knew.

So hating him was hard, hating someone you knew zero about. We didn't even have grandparents, it had always been Araya and mom. And when Storm infiltrated I was extremely hostile to her. But eventually the hostile barriers went down and she became a constant force to the point it was almost weird not to see her.

But we had a constant factor in or life. It was just us and keeping secrets didn't happen. Araya and I practically told each other everything. We remained close and ignored the ones who tried to turn us against each other to entertain them.

I mean most girls went to their mom once they got their first period, and Araya went to me. It was weird and I simply sent her off to mom the moment the word period came out. But it still really showed how close we were and it wasn't even weird it was just normal.

Secrets rarely existed between us. I knew everything about Araya and she knew everything about me and we never felt the need for secrets. We told each other. But before we never had something looming over our heads and knowing something or having something this big in our lives.


Class was normal. In English I wasn't the least bit surprised to see my test come back as a hundred once more. Storm sat across from me with a simple 79. If it was me it would piss me off, one point away from a B. The English teacher was mean like that.

A few of my classes rounded the numbers with a 9 up to the next one. Although I rarely got a grade beneath 80. Storm however hit the 70s and 80s and on occasion 90s. Araya for some reason rarely got a grade below or above 80. The two as Storm put it were hopelessly average.

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