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⤚ Light of a Full Moon ⤙


THE week passed faster than expected. Each day passed with a normal vibe. Tracy Love left Akiya alone after Storm's little show of power. Akiya went on with his life, but he talked about something with me.

The police were looking into Deputy Lain's murder. And he felt a bit guilty about knowing valid information but not giving it up. "But my need to protect my family out weighs the need to tell." Akiya had told me assuring me he would give not one bit of information to the police.

Which was nice, but I know how he felt. But we couldn't tell the police as it would be getting in the nogitsunes way. And as much as they had been nice at the store I doubt it would hold if we ratted them out to the police and got them arrested.

It would no doubt end with officers dead and them at our door step. And mom made sure we wouldn't involve ourselves with it. So we did what we promised her and stayed out of it and didn't get involved or give any information to the police.

But each day passed with speed before the day of the full moon came; Saturday. Storm's mood got bitter each day it loomed closer. And it was confirmed the full moon had zero effect on us kitsunes as we felt no different the more it loomed as the moon fully reached it's capacity.

And then the light was full once more. On Saturday we went out with Storm. Akiya and I got our allowance that week for helping out around the house, well the more major things. Mom really didn't give us allowance for cleaning up our room or doing dishes.

But she did give us money for more bigger things and sometimes we helped her at the museum. But together we had forty bucks and agreed to go to the coffee shop here in Willow. Ebony Delights Café was a cute little café in the downtown part of Willow.

Run by an older couple they served all sorts of delightful frozen drinks, herbal teas, tea, hot coffee, fresh baked desserts, and cute lunches. They were open from 6AM to 3:30PM. And we invited Storm out once more and she was already on her way as Akiya sat in the café.

It was a cute little thing with shiny wooden floors white walls and some tile near where they put food on display. We were waiting for Storm while sitting at a table in the back with Akiya on his laptop scrolling through Wikipedia on kitsunes once more.

He was determined to collect any information he could on kitsunes no matter what. And it was nice in a way. His chocolate brown eyes reflected his computer screen as he went to a few other websites as the bell on the door rung and Storm walked in and I stood up.

"I'll take my usual." Akiya said and I nodded Storm and I went up. "Ok so we got forty dollars." I told her and Storm nodded. "We'll have two triple frozen mochas, three blonde brownies, one pizza bagel, and two teriyaki chicken wraps and what do you want for a drink?" I asked Storm.

"Frozen green tea." Storm said and the old lady nodded as she went off to make our orders as well as giving us the blonde brownies and we handed her the cash before going back down and I slid Akiya thanked me for the brownie before unwrapping it and taking nibbles of it.

Storm was already eating hers. "So, you doing good?" I asked as Akiya shut his laptop and we both stared at her. "Stop staring at me like I am ticking time bomb especially next to each other, it's creepy. You look like evil twins." Storm said.

Akiya smirked a bit at that. "Well it is the full moon." Akiya said. "I am fine.  I'm not feeling the moon much, it hits more of when it's at it's peak around 12. But I'll be nice and secure by then and so will my mom." Storm said and we nodded.

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