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Proceed with Caution


NOGITSUNE. Japanese translation being field fox. But referred to now a days as nogistune. A darker kitsune. Mischievous or malevolent, it was nearly impossible to find one in between. And their mischievous nature tended to lead to chaos and destruction anyway.

Either way people tended to die when they were around. They were like a dark cloud on disaster who floats over you. Most kitsunes were known as tricksters. My eyes shifted up towards Storm who was sitting in the chair silently her green gaze hard as Araya sat on the couch.

She had long ago brought our mom to her bedroom to rest after doing our best to her wounds. "What do you got?" Araya asked came over her brown eyes watching me. "So nogistune in Japanese translates to field fox. It's Japanese for field fox." I told Araya and Araya nodded at that.

"There is two types of nogistunes. The mischievous ones and the malevolent one, but they all have one thing in common." I told Araya. "What?" She asked. "Chaos and destruction, wherever they go they tend to leave a trail of it behind." I said and Araya visibly paled.

"So we have about five of them here. Do you think they're malevolent?" Araya asked. "If they killed the deputy I wouldn't doubt it." I told Araya. "Why do you think they're here?" Araya asked. And I honestly didn't have a single answer for that, research only went so far.

"Boredom. A bored nogistune is never good. They are like kids with ADHD. They have to be occupied and entertained. If they aren't they tend to lash out until they're having fun, even if everyone else around them is miserable." Storm said staring at us and Araya watched her.

"Have you encountered them?" Araya asked and Storm nodded. "I use to live next to one. Well sort of." Storm said with a frown. "Sort of?" I asked watching her. "She was possessed by one. If they're body dies they have no problem possessing to continue living." Storm said and we both nodded.

"Do you think they're possessed?" Araya asked. "No, nogistunes have funny senses of humor when it comes to possession. And they prefer to go for something that isn't obvious. Who will you expect first. A tall dark looking Japanese guy or some sweet looking blonde?" Storm asked.

"They like fooling people, it brings them joy." Storm said. "How do you get rid of them?" Araya asked. "You can't. Once they have their claws in it's nearly impossible to get them out. Their is only one way to be protected from one." Storm said and I looked at her expectantly for the answer.

"They prey on the weak. If you have a mind like titanium they'll have trouble getting in. I mean you could get them out by bringing someone else for them to possess or you know getting a werewolf's bite. But then comes the whole fight between the nogistune." Storm said.

I nodded at that. "Can they possess us?" Araya asked. "No, you already have a fox spirit inside you, trust me if they tried they'd be met very hostile manor by the spirit living inside you." Storm said and I watched her. "You know a lot." I told her and Storm shrugged.

"I've seen a lot." Storm said. "What happened to your neighbor?" I asked. "She died. The nogistune got brave and tried to torment a pack of wolves, they ripped the body it was in apart. It was very. . . brutal, you wouldn't believe how many organs a human has inside them." Storm said.

"78." I answered. "What?" Storm asked. "The human body has 78 organs. Which are divided into 13 major systems and 7 regional groups, and five are considered vital organs. Heart, brain, lungs, kidney and liver." I said and Storm rolled her eyes. "Ok Mr. Smarty." Storm said and I simply smiled at her.

"I did take human anatomy." I reminded her and Storm simply stared at me blinking. "How would you describe a nogistune?" Araya asked leaning forward interest in her gaze. It was obvious Storm was the smart one in supernatural.

Twin Kitsunes: The NogistuneWhere stories live. Discover now