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⤚ Trickery ⤙


BEING a werewolf was both a blessing and a curse at times. In the years I had been a werewolf it had been more of a curse except for a certain patch of my life that I preferred to leave in the past most of all.

But it was a curse. Being formerly human let me know exactly what I was missing out on and I was missing out on a lot. Sure I had longevity, enhanced strength and speed, but it all came at the price of a primal beast inside of my head.

Raging inside dying to break the wall and chains I had around it. But I never thought being a werewolf would become a blessing. I should of known something was up with the lack of my aggressive slightly homicidal wolf showing it's ass anytime it got to.

It was like the wolf was sedated or drugged. To me it was a relief not having it rage against me making me fight for control. But my lazy laidback nature should of spoken to me. It didn't until I caught sight of that smug ass nogitsune standing in the woods watching.

Pleased at what they had done. Once it clicked the sedation on my wolf ended, it was back again raging except it rage was different. It wanted blood between it's jaws, the blood of a nogitsune. People never saw what a simple touch could do until it was upon them.

My wolf attacked every influence the nogitsune left in my body until none was left. It took all of my will for her not to break out and go after, shifting in broad daylight. And it clicked, Araya or Akiya got touched by one of the nogitsunes who spread itself inside.

It was an uncommon ability amongst the nogitsune community from what I've heard. Kitsunes in general were recluses not liking their information public. The only reason we know our bite can kill them is because it has been shown to work. Of course outside of a werewolf's bite I'm not sure what could kill them.

But it was the touch of a nogitsune that could put people under manipulation. With humans it was easy almost any nogitsune could manipulate a human with their touch. Especially since humans never had that wall in their mind. They liked keeping that door in their mind wide open at times or cracked.

But a supernatural being manipulated by a nogitsune was a very uncommon nearly rare ability. But it was quite clear one of those nogitsunes had those abilities. Daiki no doubt. And once Ara admitted to his skin brushing hers it was confirmed. I wasn't stupid by any means.

Sure I loved acting stupid, making people see me as dull and unintelligent. But no one would expect me to outsmart them on that. I mean they were foxes and it was borderline impossible to outsmart a fox. It was chance my wolf recognized it and turned into the raging bitch from hell.

Pain sure as hell got Ara snapped out of it as her spirit cleansed it out in a quick rush. Before retreating once more. Aki now was the hard one to have his spirit cleanse out the nogitsune as it was hellbent on me being the threat.

But once it realized it's body was being manipulated was I in the clear zone. The two were dazed to the point we did some illegal driving as I only had my permit while Aki only had his license for about six months now, but nothing went wrong. Thankfully.


"Your telling me I infected almost the entire town?" Ara asked as we sat on the couch. "In a way, well you infected the supernatural side including your mom, it's a rare ability to be able to manipulate a supernatural, humans sure, they have weaker minds. But a supernatural mind is like solid steel." I told her.

Ara nodded at that. "So never go see Daiki again, I'm sorry about that, I didn't think he could do that." Ara said and I nodded at that. "It's fine, just don't do it again. Did you two seriously not realize you two never fight over anything?" I asked Aki and Ara.

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