• twenty one •

Start from the beginning

"Just admit you love Kane and call it a day."

She chuckled, "Not gonna happen."

We got to the living room and Kiara was sitting on the floor struggling to keep Kane on her lap.

"Good job keeping him away from the gifts." I laughed.

"He almost got to 'em. I had to chase him." Kiara said.

I sat on the couch and opened my arms for Kane, "Come here boy!"

He jumped onto me and I started petting him.

"So whose presents getting opened first?" Kelly asked, sitting down next to me.

"Uhhh, mine?!" Kiara said in a 'duh' tone.

Kelly chuckled, "You don't wanna wait until your dad and I open ours? So we can spend more time on you?"

"Y'all already had me waiting all morning." she sighed.

"Girl huh? You just woke up not even 20 minutes ago!" Kelly said. "Tremaine please get your daughter."

"Um, that's your personality in mini form." I replied to her, shrugging.

"Whatever, man." Kelly said, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, Kiki what do you wanna do? It's up to you."

"I guess we can save the best for last." Kiara said.

Kelly shook her head, "Okay diva. Trey you go first."

I put Kane down and walked toward the Christmas tree looking for anything that has my name on it. The rule in our house is that we're not near each other when we wrap our gifts and we don't peek at the other gifts, so that we don't ruin the surprise element of it all.

I finally found three boxes with my name on them, one small, one medium, one large.

"Look at you showin' out." I said to Kelly, smiling.

She giggled and shrugged, "Well I am known for spoiling. You gotta open them in order though. Smallest to largest."

I set the other two gifts down and kept the small one in my hand. I purposely shook the box because I knew it got on her nerves when people do that.

She groaned and rolled her eyes, "Tremaine just open it."

I chuckled and unwrapped the box to see some nice lil gold/diamond chains.

I raised my eyebrows as I examined them, "Okay nowwwww. I mess with it!" I said, causing her to laugh.

"Try them on."


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"Mmmmm." Kelly said out loud while licking her lips. I gave her a look to remind her that Kiara is still in the room.

"Uh..." she pretended to clear her throat, trying to hide the fact that she was being nasty. "I think it looks nice. Watchu think, Kiki?"

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now