7. where I can't follow

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"Trust me, that is a conversation I don't want to have with her," he agreed knowing he would never tell his wife that. "You think Tenley is scary, imagine your mother."

"God I know," both men shook their heads as they took a sip of their drink. "But Tenley totally freaked out. Went on about how she needed me be able to walk and dance...which I will tell you I don't do. Never dance, no matter how much she begs," he explained to him quickly because he hated dancing. It swore it was the devil work or something and couldn't figure out why people enjoyed it. "But it was kinda cute," he told him with a small smile. "Having her all overprotective of me. Telling me she needed me able to do yard work and carry her up the steps when she falls asleep on the couch...run around outside with our kids..."

"Kids, huh?" he raised a brow and Colton shrugged. "Ya'll discuss stuff like that? Stuff like kids and marriage..."

"Yeah...I mean we've been together for over five years. Tenley wonders about our future, if I want more than just all this."

"Do you? I mean do you want to get married and have kids? Or do you just agree to wanting that because you think that is the next stage of a relationship?"

"I...umm..." he scratched his jaw, the loud squeal of his little sister pulling his attention again across the room and his eyes traveled to the girl who stood up laughing. For a moment, just a brief moment her eyes flickered over to his and his heart skipped a quick beat when she sent him a wink. "Yes..." he paused a moment before nodding. "Yes to all of it..."

"Alright..." he slowly nodded taking a sip of his drink.

"That was so yummy," Raine licked the chocolate off her finger to giggle.

"It was delicious. Thank you for sharing it with me," Tenley pushed the silver button on the garbage and flipped it open to toss their trash inside.

"Tenny, can I ask you something else?" Raine wondered as the young girl picked her up to sit her on the counter.

"Shoot Cupcake..."

"You know how Colton is my brother..."

"I've heard that rumor," she laughed a little crossing her arms.

"Well...would Bevin would be mad if I told people you were my sister too?" she wondered biting on her bottom lip and gazed up at her. Tenley swearing her heart hurt a little as she looked down at her.

"Yeah, baby girl, that's fine," she squeezed her tight and kissed her little head. "I can be your big sister too."

"Cool because I wanted one. You know Colty isn't great at all that girl stuff. Did you know he doesn't like pink?" she gave such a confused look and dead tone Tenley couldn't help but laugh.

"Tickled me shocked by that," she brushed her hair over her shoulder and laughed.

"Oh...there you are," they look up to see the older woman walking into the room and Tenley tensed. "Raine, your mother is looking for you."

"Oh ok!" she jumped off the counter and gave Tenley a big hug. "I'll be back. Love you!" she called before sprinting out the room.

"You too Cupcake," she watched her go and suddenly wished for a way out. A way that didn't look too obvious that she was avoiding her. "Weather is nice," she awkwardly announced as she rested her hands on the counter.

"I find it's been a bit cold," her eyes remain on the young girl who fidgets with her necklace.

"What is it about me you don't like?" Tenley tossed her hand up when she couldn't take the loud ticking of the clock behind her anymore. And at the time so over this woman and her attitude. She's tried being nice, she tried ignoring her, she tried everything but it didn't change. She just didn't like her. Might as well finally ask, not like she will think any less of her.

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