3. where I can't follow

Start from the beginning

"You don't know shit..." Colton pulled in a long breath trying to calm himself, knowing how much trouble he could get into for fighting on campus.

"I do, that's why you are having such issues, because let's face it. You aren't much without her."

"You're going to leave her alone," Colton repeated, doing the best he could to ignore everything swimming around in his head.

"Why would I?"

"You know in high school I knock out some jackass that screwed with her," he informed him and added pressure to his neck. "Didn't know the guy, didn't give a damn. Just knew that some jackass was bugging her, all he did was hit on her constantly."

"What's the point of this?"

"The point is that there is no one that means more to me than her," he started first and Jack watched the fire flash through his eyes. "The point is when we are in bed together," he felt a smirk tug on his lips when he watched the look take over the guy in front of him. Quickly realizing he didn't like so much her being with someone else. "And she is begging for me and telling me how much she loves me, loves me in a way she never loved anyone else..."

"Bullshit..." Jack gritted his teeth and Colton let out a chuckle ignoring that comment.

"I get to see a scar across her sweet perfect skin...a scar that you put there," he reminded and Jack's eyes closed a moment at the memory. "That guy in high school talked shit and I really screwed up his face. Imagine what I would do to someone who put his hands on her...leave her alone," his eyes locked on his and he pulled back and slammed him hard into the wall. Grabbing his headphones from his pocket and started down the path. Trying to figure out if he wanted to believe they talked or not, and if they did did he really want to approach that conversation with his girl.

"My god I'm exhausted," Tenley yawned and stretched her arms over her head. After having lunch with Colton, they sorta snuck back to his apartment for a little while before her next class. That boy sure took the energy out of her, however that wasn't out of the norm. Nine times out of ten after they finished she just fell right to sleep. It was like damn clock work for her.

"Yeah, you have that morning class don't you?" Kimber, a friend she met her freshman year stated. Kimber was a different friend. She wasn't like Hannah and definitely nothing like Molly. However, they roomed together their freshman year as random roommates. Tenley liked her, didn't always like things she did but she was cool. Well she was cool expect on the occasions Tenley caught her looking at Colton, then she wanted to pull all her blonde hair out.

"Yeah, but I also was up late last night with my boy," she flipped the page in her book and read over some notes for next class.

"Oh right," Kimber got a dreamy look and Tenley shifted a bit uncomfortable by it. It bothered her the looks she got, the ones her boyfriend received. Made her think of all the looks Hilary gave him when they were at his place or some family function. Almost like a smile at your face, try to screw your boyfriend behind you back. Not that Tenley worried that would ever happen. Colton was crazy about her, he wouldn't ever cheat. "I'd be exhausted too if I went to bed every night with that boy, and by bed I mean-"

"I know what you mean," Tenley cut her off quick and the blonde smiled, well more smirked. "But how did you do on your midterm. I know I was freaking out..."

"It's whatever," she flipped her hand dismissing it. "Daddy built the school's library," she explained like that meant so much. Like Tenley was just supposed to know what all that meant.


"Speaking of boys," Kimber shifted in her seat and completely lit up as her gaze traveled over Tenley's shoulder.

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