C.43 "The pros will find Bakugo."

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"Oi, pass me y'lighter."


"So mate, any smokin' babes y'like?"

"Pfft, of course. Zoey."

"Good choice. Whah bout' you Enomoto?"


"Lying asshole!"
He laughed.
"Oh! He blushin'! C'mon mate, spill it! Who's the lucky chick?"

"Yeah! Or are ya' still hung up on Clareee~."
The other guy sang teasingly.

"Am not dumbass."
Enomoto grumbled before taking another big whiff.
"Don't assume you little piece of shit."

"Woah woah woah! Look at you! Gettin' all defensive, you sure as hell are over Clare."
Enomoto's friend annoyingly muttered before whispering to his other friend,
"If he wasn't he'd shut his big-ass mouth by now."

"I agree."
He nodded, smoking another puff as well.

Enomoto was hanging out with his friends, smoking behind the school like they do every Friday. His school was known for having many foreign exchange students. Especially girls.

"C'mon dude, they're plenty of chicks here.
Smokin' one's too with killer bods!"

"You don't get it, I'm not like you guys."
Enomoto sighed.

"I don't get you at all too mate."
His friend rolled his eyes.


Tenya was in his study room, face scrunched up.

The door was locked, the only light source was from a small lamp Tenya had on his desk.

It was nine at night,
you were climbing up Tenya's wall.

For a superhero's house, it was not well protected.

You easily snuck in over the wall and into Tenya's beautiful garden. You then started climbing up Tenya's house, headed for his study room.

You knew which one was it, since the window has a velvety curtain. And you didn't know that because you were some sort of creepy stalker and what not; it was because you remembered Tenya once telling you about his brand new, 'exquisitely beautiful', velvety curtains since 'the sunlight from the study room was utterly blinding'.

Once reaching his window frame, you knocked single handedly on the glass pane aggressively.

You knew what you were doing was risky, reckless, unsafe and probably illegal but hey, the doorbell wasn't working and your cellphone was dead.

You were going to explain it all to Mr and Mrs Iida.

Although unbeknown to you, Tenya's parents were in the hospital. The had an urgent call from one of Tensei's doctors which caused them to fled the household. Leaving Tenya all by himself.

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