C.9 "I'll text you tonight."

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"Thanks for walking me home!"

You and Iida were both in front of your house gate, Iida was surprised at how big your home was.

"I actually had a great time."
You said, you were really glad that you and Iida got to hang out again.

"Oh wait! I have an idea before we- we, leave each other."
You added while taking your phone out of your Kanken.

You turned on your phone.

"Can I have your number?"
You asked.

Iida hesitated.
"I don't see why not."

You and Iida exchanged each other's numbers.

"I'll text you tonight."
You waved at him while pushing your glasses up.

"Alright, I'll wait for your text."
Iida smiled.

"Bye! Thanks for everything!"
You yelled while giving him a thumbs up as Iida slowly walked away backwards.

He waved back before strolling away.

"He really is a good guy."
You sighed to yourself, grinning.

You then entered your humble abode.

You yelled.

You snickered before towards the kitchen
to find your maid setting the dinner table.

You put your Kanken down, took your hat off and placed it on a chair. Then proceeded to help scoop rice into the bowls.

"Ooo! Both the kitchen and the dining room smells freaking awesome, thanks for the food!"
You smiled.

"Thank you ____, how was the trip to the park?"
Your maid, Gima, asked.

"It went swell! I met a friend too; we talked for
the entire afternoon and went to the drug store for drinks. He even paid for my slushy."

"Sounds fun, who was your friend?"

"Some Hero course student, his name is Tenya Iida." You add in while placing two rice bowls on the table.

"By the way, I'm going to the mini market nearby for groceries. Tomorrow I'm making pancakes!"
Gima said enthusiastically.

You froze and looked at her.

"Right now? Then what was the point of the food and rice meant for 2 people?" You gesture towards the food with your 2 arms in a parallel line.

"I ate already and Fujiyama is here."
Gima giggled.

You gasped in disbelief, turning to your left, then right to see a sly Fuji. Smirking while leaning against the wall, crossed arm.

"So, you went on a date with Mr Emergency Exit?"

"How long have you been here?!"

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