C.3 "Come on, don't leave me hanging."

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It was the day after the sports festival.

It was the weekend.

You were on your way to the drug store to buy and satisfy your craving for chocolate.

It was a peaceful afternoon as the sky drizzled; it was gloomy and it a tad cold. There was a bit of a breeze too.

You wore a comfortable jacket along with a simple yellow shirt, denim jeans and sneakers.

You had your Kanken Bag on, your hands in your pockets and earphones in your ears. Broadway songs playing non stop as you slightly bob your head to the tune.

You then finally arrived at your destination. Opening the door to the heavenly convenience store, you headed down to one of the aisles searching for a specific chocolate brand.

After finding it, you grabbed one or two bars and decided to head towards the back of the store where all the soft drinks were.

As you squatted down and searched for chrysanthemum tea, you noticed someone beside you, grabbing some orange juice and water bottles.

He looked familiar...

You wanted to take a quick glance to see who it was but by then, he had got up and walked off.

You shook your head and continued to try to find your chrysanthemum tea.

You found it and stood up, walking to the cashier while taking out your wallet. Purses were too elegant for your taste.

You took your earphones
out of your ears and saw...him.

He was that familiar guy you saw before,
the same one you talked to at the sports festival, the same one that rushed out the exit door-

-Tenya Iida.

'Wait a minute, what's he doing here?'
You thought while pushing your glasses up.

"Is that all sir?"
The cashier asked Iida.

He nodded.

You couldn't help but over-hear their conversation as you queued behind Iida. But couldn't anyone hear their conversation when you were just that close?

You heard the 'beeps' and 'boops' of the scanner.

"Your total is 215 yen sir."
The cashier smiled.

"...I only have 110..."
he mumbled quietly.
"Could you please take away-"

"I'll get that."
You interrupted Iida, hurrying up to the front and plopping your chocolate bars and chrysanthemum tea onto the counter.

"Please add these to the bill too."
You awkwardly chuckled.

The cashier smiled at
you and started scanning your items.

Iida started but suddenly stopped as he looked at you.

He stared at you for a few seconds. You turned your head towards him (you got a better look at his face) and he opened his mouth from clear shock.

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