"No I'm Jewish." -Christmas Special Chapter-🌟

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🕯Happy Late Chanukah!🕯

🎄Merry Christmas!🎄


Hey there! Happy Chanukah (ik it was on 3rd December im horribly late but Chanukah's underrated) and Merry Christmas to all :D And if you don't celebrate neither of the holidays-

-high five! Cause I don't as well (。-∀-。)

Anyways, I'm delivering you a special Christmas chapter. In order to prevent spoilers, I've decided that this chapter will and is not part of the Not a Phase story.

In addition
-certain things in this chapter will be fictional because Google ain't giving me the facts, so I have to pretend certain things are happening to make the scenery work.

Also, sorry if it sucks cause'
I'm not good at writing Christmas specials :,D

So Happy Late Chanukah, Merry Current Christmas and have a happy new year <3

( Probably gonna do a New Years special too ;> )

(/ ^_^ \)


"Good morning ____! Merry Christmas!"
Tenya exclaimed.

"Morning Tenya, merry Christmas."
You yawned.

"____, did you just wake up?"

"Not really, Ive just opened my mouth today so
my voice is pretty raspy and groggy."
You mumbled softly.

"Well, you sound adorable over the phone."
He smiled.

"And you sound like your smiling over the phone,
I can picture the smile and it's also adorable."
You grinned.

"Thank you! Also, I'm nearby your home!"

"Oh cool. Have you had breakfast?"

"Yes, you?"

"I just finished. How close are you to my house?"

"Presumably three minutes away!"

"Swell, call me when you're here and I'll come out."

"Alright, I'll see you then!"

You whispered with a raspy voice before ending the call.

You coughed before lazily stumbling out of the dinning room and wobbled to the living room, waiting for your boyfriend's arrival.

Tenya was actually quite interested when he found you were Jewish. Mainly because when he asked if you celebrated Christmas alone you replied with:
"No I'm Jewish."


Tenya strolled down the sidewalk happily.
It was seven on a Saturday morning. Does Tenya always get up this early?

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