C.38 "And as cliché as it sounds, follow my lead."

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Tenya thinks about you most of the time.

Sure, he also has common thoughts of his studies, his family and heroics; but of course you were there too.

Tenya did his best to make time for you, especially during the weekends. When he had extra free time he'd pondered about what you were doing; and what you'd both could do during the weekends.

When Tenya had the chance to be with you, he would search endlessly to find you.

As of now, he was looking around of the decorated Gym Gamma, searching for his girlfriend.


You snickered at your friends conversation.

You and your tiny group were at the table full of food and beverages. Aoki (your friend)'s arm proudly draped around his loving girlfriend; as your other friend and you talked with the couple.

It didn't take long for Tenya to recognise a familiar laughter. The ends of his mouth slightly lifting up, he carefully followed the sound as he finally found you.

"C'mon bro, there's no girl your class that you're crushing on?"
Aoki, your theatre friend, asked.
"Surely there's gotta be som——oh hey hero course student!"

Umeda's eyes widened as she saw Tenya walking towards them; your other theatre friend timidly backed away to the table behind him. Both of them not wanting to make eye contact with Tenya.

"Oh hey, Tenya!"
You waved.

"Hello ____, am I interrupting something?"
Tenya asked politely.

"NOPE, nothing at all! Actually _____ here was just about to leave us the hell alone! Weren't you _____?"
Umeda nervously smiled, eyeing you.

"Geez if you wanted me to
leave so badly you could've said so earlier."
You frowned jokingly.

"Yeah, I was about to leave."
You said, locking eyes with Tenya.
"You weren't interrupting anything. Excuse me as I ditch my friends."

You turned to your friends and waved at them while playfully singing:
"Bye~, enjoy the rest of your night without me!"

"Bye! Have fun!"
Umeda anxiously waved back, though she did meant her words.

Aoki and your other friend is waved you goodbye as well. You then locked arms with Tenya as you both strolled away.

"Are you sure I wasn't I interrupting you? You know you could've told me, I'd be fine if you wanted to continue your conversation with your friends!"
Tenya concernedly asked.

"Yeah it's fine, thanks for being considerate though.
They were afraid of you. Except Aoki, for some reason. He sounded really unfazed."
You questioned, raising a brow to yourself while pushing your glasses up.

"Perhaps he's not afraid of me!"

"I guess."
You shrugged.
"Where're we going?"

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