C.41 "THA-"

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"You came."
Hisaka whispered, jaw dropped as he stood up from the cement bench he'd sat on.

"Yeah, I did..."
You nodded.

You stood at the entrance of the park.

The park had a thick hedge surrounding it, flowers and what not growing together with the leaves and shrubbery. The hedge had to be at least 15 feet tall.

The inside wasn't anything special either. It was painfully average, cement benches; water fountain and stone paths.

"Okay, okay um, I didn't think you were actually gonna come."
Hisaka muttered in disbelief, trying to mentally prepare himself.

"...You thought wrong. So, I'm here. What's going on? You've been acting shady ever since...since Ayumi."

"I know, I know, turns out; as stupid as it sounds, I don't like her."
Hisaka embarrassingly admitted, rubbing his nape.

"You what?"

"I don't like Ayumi, never had and probably never will. I was...in love with the idea of loving her."

"That's...that's so messed up. So, she knows now?"
You asked, raising a shocked brow.

"Pretty much,
a few hours ago I became single again."

"How did she take it?"

"Not well, she cried.
She also slapped me, but I deserve it.

But she did say, on some level she knew that I wasn't...that I wasn't actually in love with her.
Which was fortunate because if she didn't she'd throw a microwave at me next."

Hisaka took a deep breath before continuing.

"I know I've done a lot of dumb things, but please, give me another shot. I don't want our friendship to just end after everything we've gone through. It'd be a waste!"

"It's only been three or four years."
You muttered.

"And it was the best three years I've ever had!
Until I screwed up. And I don't want to just ignore all our history.

I've never had such a loyal ass friend,
and I admit I may have took advantage of that but that doesn't mean I will again!"
He pleaded.

"Hisaka I—"

"Can't forgive you? We can't be friends again?"

You stayed silent for a moment before responding.
"I don't know, what you did was...was horrible."

"And it sure as hell won't happen again. Listen, I was jealous."
Hisaka lied at the end.


"Of Togeike and her new boyfriend. I wanted to get a girlfriend and when I found Ayumi I thought we were both in love. When instead I was just so desperate to find it."

"So that's why you've been
clinging onto her like a puppy?"

"...I thought if I stayed with her more I'd begin to actually fall for her, but it ended up not working.

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