C.33 "____."

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The exams had finally come to an end.
It was Friday, the bell was about to have it's final ring.

"Exams are over! Woohoo! Our worries are gone!
Now it's time to party!"
One of your classmates yelled in glee.

"Hell yeah bro! This gon' be lit!"

"I know right?
Oh my God Chino, we gotta go dress shopping together!"

"Yeah girl! Ohh, can you please help me with my makeup later? I suck at like doing it myself."

"Sure fam!"

As your classmates rambled in delight, you were resting your chin on your hand, quietly watching them.

Hisaka glimpsed at you for a second.

'How the hell am I suppose to dump Ayumi when the event's tomorrow?! She'll be heartbroken. I haven't even asked her to be my date yet.'
He thought to himself.

At that moment the bell rang.

After the class thanked and bowed down to the homeroom teacher, they speed-walked out of the class joyously. You stood up and lazily grabbed your bag, taking your own sweet time.

Unlike your class, you weren't running off to the exit, instead you were skipping to the class next door on the left.

Your good theatre friends from class1-E were outside of their class, waiting for you.

"Hey Umeda, what's up Aoki!"
You waved.

"Sup' ____!"

"Hey, are you ready?"

"Definitely, let's go."

Umeda kissed her boyfriend on the cheek goodbye as she unraveled from his arms and went to join you.

"So is Aoki going to wear a tux?"
You asked, slouching down a bit to make eye contact with small Umeda who was incredibly short.

"He is, Chujiro and Maedai are going
tuxedo hunting together like what Maedai calls it, 'true, honourable men'."

"Chujiro? Oh yeah, that's Aoki's first name. I forgot."
You smiled.

"It feels nice being his girlfriend. I'm such a lucky ass."
Umeda grinned with her eyes closed, deliriously in love.

You could practically see the
pink hearts dotting around Umeda.

"I can tell, by the way, is that Aoki's jacket you're wearing?"
You asked with a smug look on your face.

"You...you don't need to know."
Umeda stuttered while pushing you away with her hand on your face.

"Woah be easy, my glasses!
You'll dirty the lenses with your fingerprints!"
You muffled out.
"You should know the rule well by now! Aoki wears glasses too!"

Umeda let go of her hand from your face.

"He told me not to touch the lenses,
but I thought it was just him being a hygiene freak."

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