C.12 "Plus, I think about you a lot."

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Your phone kept on buzzing and vibrating continuously.

Soon you woke up at 3:02 in the morning.

It was Saturday.

"Who texts this early?"
Your grumbled quietly.

You slowly got up your back all zombie-like and grabbed your phone from your night stand. As your phone buzzed on.

Rubbing your tired eyes, you checked your notifications that were still popping up on your vibrating phone.

The brightness of the screen made you winced, after lowering the brightness on your phone (by a lot) you found out your classmate, Togeike, was responsible for the spam of messages.

You realised she was still spamming so you decided called her. As soon as you called her she picked up.

"Rise and shine _____!
Did you read my messages? Did you read my messages? Have you heard the news?!"
She yelled.

Your voice cracked as you managed to whisper a response.

"Come on _____ take me seriously!"

You sighed.

"No, no and no I have not heard the news."

"Alrighty then! You were probably asleep which is reasonable buuuuut _____ do I have some tea FOR YOU!"

"Why are you doing this to me."
You mumbled quietly, still not being able to talk properly.

"Have you heard about the hero killer getting arresting?!"

"No. What about it?"
You replied in defeat, while your hand fell and slid down slowly on your face.

Either way this was what you probably sounded like when you talked about a broadway show to your non-theatre friend.

"It turns out some Class-1A students were part of the drama!"
Togeike yelled excitedly.

You were about to say, "They're hero course students, of course they're part of it. I bet they just called the cops on the hero killer or something."

But you then paused, remembering Iida was
Class 1-A's class representative.

If he was assumably involved in the hero killer getting arrested, did he do it out of vengeance? As revenge for hospitalising his older brother Ingenium?

Your squinting eyes opened a bit more wider now. You sat up straight and gulped.

"What happened?"
You asked, your voice was now clearer and less lifeless.

"Since the tea had just been spilled a few hours ago I can't get any proper or full details but they have confirmed that three of the 1-A students were in battle mode!

It was the emergency exit dude, the guy who won second in the sports festival and the green haired kid who broke all his fingers also during the sports festival."

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